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No GPU found for 2D Test

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  • No GPU found for 2D Test


    Having an issue with the 2D test on AMD gfx cards, we install our driver via Windows deployment services and the new amd drivers wont run the 2D test.

    The 2D test works if I reinstall the amd driver once windows is installed but this would slow down production too much.



  • #2
    The 2D Test directly writes, reads and verifies data to the GPU memory using OpenCL. If the GPU is not detected, then likely there is incompatibility with OpenCL in the drivers (or they are not installed) from Windows Deployment Services vs when you manually install them.

    Much better that BurnInTest detects these issues, than shipping the machines in a state where they don't fully work with all software!


    • #3
      It detects the GPU for the 3d test and the GPGPU test, ill get on to amd to see if they can fix it



      • #4
        The 3D tests uses DirectX and if you are using the BurnInTest V10.2.1006 or later (see below for excerpt from changelog), then the GPGPU test will fall back to using DirectCompute if OpenCL is not supported. So, it is possible that the GPU is detected in the 3D and GPGPU test by DirectX.

        Converted existing GPGPU test from DirectCompute (HLSL) to OpenCL to support both Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) GPUs, e.g. GeForce/Radeon and also Compute GPUs (TCC), e.g. Nvidia Telsa GPUs. There are two code paths. BurnInTest will first check if OpenCL is supported by the system, if not, BurnInTest will fall back to the DirectCompute code path. Support is determined if BIT can load OpenCL.dll. BurnInTest will not mix-and-match GPGPU tests, e.g. if there are two videocards but even if only one supports OpenCL, then both will try to use OpenCL even if the second card does not support it.

