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BurnIn Test 11 TPM Test

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  • BurnIn Test 11 TPM Test

    When running the TPM Test, all it ever shows is Pre-Test Completed. If I click STOP it shows Pass with Cycle, Operations, etc. Also, if the TPM test is the only test running, it will run until you click the STOP button. No matter what you set Run Test For. No sure if this is how it is supposed to work?" Have attached screenshots. TPM is showing in System Information.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    The TPM test in BurnInTest detects the presence of the TPM module and executes a self test on the module. What the self test does exactly depends on the vendor of the TPM and if it is an integrated TPM module or discrete unit.

    The test can be very quick however. Under a second in some cases.

    All the "pre-tests" are designed to be run prior to the longer load / endurance testing in BurnInTest. The TPM test is one of these pre-tests. Keyboard testing and Monitor testing are other examples.

    You can also see if the TPM was detected and it's version in the system information tab.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	85
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ID:	57872


    • #3
      I guess my question is, does it sound like what I described BurnIn Test is doing or how the TPM Test is running normal? Or is that way it is supposed to work? In the burnIn Test 11 System Information it shows the same as your picture, Available, V2.0. The TPM is built into the motherboard or onboard. Windows 11 shows the Manufacture as INTC. The motherboard is an ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Hero. Like I said, when I run the TPM Test all it ever shows is Pre-Test Completed till I click STOP then it shows PASS with Cycle 1, Operations 1, Errors 0. Sorry if I didn't quit understand what you said.



      • #4
        The concept was that pre-tests execute before other tests. Typically the pre-tests are things that don't make sense as a load test. (e.g. a human testing a keyboard, where the human obviously can't pound on the keyboard for 12 hours).

        On my test machine the test does auto-stop if you only have the TPM test enabled and no other tests enabled. I don't need to hit the stop button.

        Are you running the trial version, or paid for software?


        • #5
          It is paid version. I think the TPM test worked the same (at least on this computer) with version 10, also paid version.



          • #6
            We tested on a few different machines, we have not been able to reproduce this

            Can you post a debug log. It might offer some insight


            • #7
              Well, this is weird. It's working now. It runs the 1 cycle then says pass. Don't have to press STOP for it to show complete/PASS. Now if I run the TPM test with another Test (like CPU Test) it will just show Pre Test Running then Pre Test Complete and not show that it PASS until the other test are completed. But that is probably the way it's supposed to work. If it starts acting weird again I will post a debug log. I will attach the debug logs anyway.

              Attached Files


              • #8
                Just noticed, my BurnIn Test 11 seems to be always making .log and .trace files all the time without putting the -u in the properties. Is that normal? I didn't get the trace and csv file in pervious message, so I zipped and attach here.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Never mind about making log files all the time. Sometimes I just don't know what I am doing.


