0.000s - DEBUG: Starting... 0.000s - DEBUG: Start time: 2018/07/15, 23:05:43.596 0.000s - DEBUG: PerformanceTest 9.0 build 1018 64-Bit 0.000s - DEBUG OS: Windows 10 build 16299 (64-bit) 0.000s - DEBUG Path: C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest 0.000s - DEBUG Command line: "C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest\PerformanceTest64.exe" DEBUGMODE 0.000s - Date: 07/15/18 23:05:43 0.000s - HORZRES - 1920 VERTRES - 1080 0.000s - LOGPIXELSY - 120 LOGPIXELSX - 120 DPIScale - 1.250000 0.000s - DEBUG: Opening splash window 0.234s - DEBUG: UTF8StringToWChar string truncated (FCBGA1224/FCPGA932nm -> FCBGA1224/FCPGA) 0.234s - DEBUG: Init CD Burner 0.250s - DEBUG: Retrieving Computer Name 0.250s - DEBUG: Retrieving OS Name 0.265s - DEBUG: Retrieving Graphics Info 2.484s - Video adapters: iNumDD 14 2.484s - Video adapter 0: bDisplay: 1 szDeviceDescription: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 szDriverVersion: : Memory: 1073741824 2.484s - Monitor 0:1 1920x1080x32 60Hz (Primary monitor) 2.484s - Video adapter 1: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 szDriverVersion: : Memory: 1073741824 2.484s - Video adapter 2: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 szDriverVersion: : Memory: 1073741824 2.484s - Video adapter 3: bDisplay: 1 szDeviceDescription: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti szDriverVersion: : Memory: 4294770688 2.484s - Video adapter 4: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti szDriverVersion: : Memory: 4294967296 2.484s - Video adapter 5: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti szDriverVersion: : Memory: 4294967296 2.484s - Video adapter 6: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti szDriverVersion: : Memory: 4294967296 2.484s - Video adapter 7: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: szDriverVersion: : Memory: 0 2.484s - Video adapter 8: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: szDriverVersion: : Memory: 0 2.484s - Video adapter 9: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: szDriverVersion: : Memory: 0 2.484s - Video adapter 10: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: szDriverVersion: : Memory: 0 2.484s - Video adapter 11: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: szDriverVersion: : Memory: 0 2.484s - Video adapter 12: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: szDriverVersion: : Memory: 0 2.484s - Video adapter 13: bDisplay: 0 szDeviceDescription: szDriverVersion: : Memory: 0 2.484s - DEBUG: Retrieving USB Info 2.703s - DEBUG: GetProcessList 2.703s - DEBUG: SysInfoDLL_Results::GetProcessList start 2.718s - DEBUG: SysInfoDLL_Results::GetProcessList finished 2.718s - DEBUG: Checking language and local 2.718s - DEBUG: Got language and local 2.718s - DEBUG: Creating main window 2.781s - DEBUG: Updating Baseline List 2.828s - DEBUG: Finished updating Baseline List 2.890s - DEBUG PERF: Initialize3DEnvironment 5.656s - g_D3D9ComplexDeviceUsed found (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti) 5.687s - DEBUG: Creating performance stats thread 5.687s - DEBUG: Performance stats thread created 5.687s - Initialize CD/DVD Burn 5.687s - DEBUG: Initialising bitmap resources 5.703s - DEBUG: Closing splash window 5.703s - DEBUG: RP 1 5.797s - DEBUG PERF: Loading Perf DLL 5.797s - DEBUG PERF: Found perf functions in DLL 5.797s - DEBUG PERF: Loaded Perf DLL 5.890s - DEBUG PERF: Host "LAPTOP-2K9BUPA4", Index 238, Counter 2304 5.937s - DEBUG: RP 2 5.937s - DEBUG: RP 3 5.937s - DEBUG: RP 4 5.937s - DEBUG: RP 5 5.937s - DEBUG: RP 6 6.062s - DEBUG PERF: Assembling counter string1 "" 6.062s - DEBUG PERF: Counter string1 "\Processor(_Total)\" 6.062s - DEBUG PERF: Counter string2 "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" 6.062s - DEBUG PERF: Got counter string DLL 6.062s - DEBUG PERF: Finished query 6.062s - DEBUG PERF: Added counter 6.265s - DEBUG: RP 7 6.265s - DEBUG: RP 9 6.265s - DEBUG: RP 10 9.765s - DEBUG: RP 10b 9.765s - DEBUG: RP 18 9.765s - DEBUG: Finished Welcome Window 9.765s - DEBUG: Launch System Information Thread 9.765s - DEBUG: Check for battery power 9.875s - SysInfoThread start 9.875s - DEBUG: SlowGather 9.875s - DEBUG: Retrieving Disk Info 10.484s - DEBUG: Check for power saver plan 10.484s - DEBUG: Check for script 10.484s - DEBUG: Entering message loop 10.656s - DEBUG: Retrieving SMART Info 11.828s - DEBUG: Retrieving Memory Info 11.828s - DEBUG: Retrieving CPU Info 16.187s - DEBUG PERF: End perf startup 19.797s - AMD integrated graphics check 19.797s - [DD 0] Intel(R) HD Graphics Family 19.812s - [DD 1] Intel(R) HD Graphics Family 19.812s - [DD 2] Intel(R) HD Graphics Family 19.812s - [DD 3] GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 19.812s - [DD 4] GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 19.812s - [DD 5] GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 19.812s - [DD 6] GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 19.812s - DEBUG: Cancel SysInfo Gather 19.812s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName CPU 19.843s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName G2D 19.859s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName Mem 19.922s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName HDD 20.000s - SysInfoThread Redraw 20.000s - SysInfoThread finished 20.015s - DEBUG: Leaving message loop