## Test config file for BurnInTest Linux command line version
## Use '#' to comment out lines, remove the comment to enable an option
## Double ## have been used for explanations of each section/paramter
## Single # have been used to comment out optional paramters/tests
## Note that only 14 lines of tests can be displayed on the main window
## due to console size limits
## Logging
## Comment out the section to turn logging off
## Location (path) of log file
LogFilename /tmp/
## Log prefix
LogPrefix BiTLog2
## Format - Ascii|HTML|Certificate
Format Ascii
## Logging detail level - summary|normal
LogDetailLevel normal
## Trace level - None (0) | Activity Trace 1 (1)| Activity Trace 2 (2)
TraceLevel 0
##maximum number of lines for file
MaxFileLines 1000
## Logging mode - single file or multiples with timestamp
## - ClearAppend Clear results & append (single file)
## - AccumulateAppend Clear results & append (single file)
## - ClearNew Clear results and overwrite existing (single file)
## - Timestamp Create new timestamped files (multiple files)
LogMode ClearAppend
## Logging Interval - periodically log results summary during a test.
## Expects a value in minutes, 0 for log results at end of test
LogInterval 0
## Pre Test Action
##Action before tests start - None, Warn and ExternalWait - currently only None and ExternalWait are valid
##If using ExternalWait this is the path of the file or script to launch and wait for the end of it's execution
#ExternalPath /path/to/file
## Post Test Action
##Auto stop action when tests have passed Stop, RunApp, Reboot
#AutoStopPassed Stop
##Manual stop action when tests have passed Stop, RunApp
#ManualStopPassed Stop
##If using AutoStopPassed RunApp this is the path of the file or script to launch before exiting
#ExternalPathPassed /path/to/file
##If using AutoStopPassed RunApp this is the parameters to pass to the application being launched
#ExternalParamsPassed paramters
##Auto stop action when tests have failed Stop, RunApp, Reboot
#AutoStopFailed Stop
##Manual stop action when tests have failed Stop, RunApp
#ManualStopFailed Stop
##If using AutoStopPassed RunApp this is the path of the file or script to launch before exiting
#ExternalPathFailed /path/to/file
##If using AutoStopPassed RunApp this is the parameters to pass to the application being launched
#ExternalParamsFailed paramters
## CustomerName
#CustomerName Name
## TechnicianName
#TechnicianName Name
## MachineType - One line description of the machine type
#MachineType Type
## MachineSerial - Custom serial for this machine
#MachineSerial Serial1234
## MachineID - Management console machine ID. Needs to be a minimum of 8 characters, maximum of 15
#MachineID Test1234
## Notes - Ones line description of extra notes
#Notes One line of notes
## Duty cycles
## Auto stop after XXX minutes
AutoStopMinutes 20
## Auto stop after XXX cycles
AutoStopCycles 5
## Duty cycle load for each test, 1-100
#CPU 100
#CDDVD 100
#Memory 100
#Serial 100
#Parallel 100
#Disk 100
#Network 100
USB 100
#Sound 100
#PCIE 100
#VideoRAM 100
## Memory section
#Test pattern - Cycle, Sequence, Binary1, Binary2, Zeros, Ones
## Disk section - Have a section for each device to test
## Global disk test settings
##TestAllDisks - Test all detected partitions, uncomment to use
##TestAllRAWDisks - Test all detected RAW (unpartitioned) disks, uncomment to use
##When using Test all - File size as % of disk space 1-15%
#FileSize 1
##When using Test all - Cyclic, Sequential, HighLow, Binary1, Binary2, Zeros, Ones, Random, RandomSeeking
#TestMode Cyclic
## Individual disk settings
## Test a device
## The device to be tested
#Device /dev/sda1
## The test mode - Cyclic, Sequential, HighLow, Binary1, Binary2, Zeros, Ones, Random, RandomSeeking
#TestMode Cyclic
##File size as % of disk space 1-15%
#FileSize 1
## Duty cycle override, 0 - 100
#DutyCycleOverride 0
## Seek count
#SeekCount 100
## Max test cycles
#MaxCycles 100
##Comment out the matching test name if you don't want the tests run
##General Operations Test
##Floating Point Unit test
##Extension instructions - SSE
##Extension instructions - SSE2
##Extension instructions - NEON
##Prime Number Test
## Network
## Have an IP keyword (up to 4) for each destination IP to test. The IP specified should be an address external
## to the system under test that can respond to ping requests.
## Bad packet ratio
## - Set to 0 for every bad packet to generate and error
## - Set to a 1-99 range for an error to be generated once the bad packet ratio reaches this level
#BadPacketRatio 2
## Timeout - ms time before connection times out, 100 - 200000
#TimeOut 2000
## Uncomment TestAllNICs to bind each entered IP to a different network card
## CD-RW/DVD - Have a section for each device to test
## Device to test
#Device /dev/hdc
## Test mode - Music CD playback (Music), Data CD Read and Verify (Data), PassMark Test CD/DVD (Passmark), No CD (No)
#TestMode Passmark
## Additional seek - uncomment and edit the seek value if necessary, only valid for PassMark Test CD/DVD 0-1000
#Seek 100
## Device to test
#Device /dev/hdd
## Test mode - Music CD playback (Music), Data CD Read and Verify (Data), PassMark## Test CD/DVD (Passmark), No CD (No)
#TestMode Music
## Additional seek - uncomment and edit the seek value if necessary, only valid for PassMark Test CD/DVD 0-1000
#Seek 100
## Serial Port - Have a section for each device to test
## Device to test - ttyS0, ttyS1 etc to ttyS63
#Device ttyS0
## Test Mode - Loopback or Detect
#TestMode Loopback
## Device to test - ttyS0, ttyS1 etc to ttyS63
#Device ttyS1
## Test Mode - Loopback or Detect
#TestMode Detect
## Disable RTS/CTS flow control testing
## Disable DSR/DTR flow control testing
## Send and receive timeout, 100-30000 ms
#SendReceive 3500
## Baud rate - 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200,
## Cycle to 115200 (Cycle115), 230400, Cycle to 230400 (Cycle230), 460800,921600
#BaudRate 115200
## Parallel Port - Can only test one port at a time
## Device to test, lp0, lp1 etc
#Device lp0
## Test Mode - Loopback or Detect
#TestMode Loopback
## USB test section
## Automatically select all USB plugs found on the system for testing
## Number of USB tests to run (when not using AutoSelectAllUSB)
#NumUSB 2
## Run the benchmark test at the start of the USB test
## USB 3 connection speed Auto, SuperSpeed (5GB/s), HighSpeed (480Mb/s), FullSpeed (Mb/s), Cycle (Cycle between speeds)
USB3Connection Auto
## Sound section
## Maximum distortion allowed before and error is logged, allowed values 1-20
#MaxDistortion 5
## Sound device name to test - plughw, default or other sound alias, should be left as plughw in most cases
#SoundDevName plughw
##Plugin tests
##Uncomment 'RunSeparately' and 'IgnoreTimeout' when required and have section for each plugin to run (up to 5 )
##Run each plugin separately (default will run at the same time)
##Ignore no-operations timeout
## Enter the path of the plugin application to run here
#Path /path/to/plugin
## Uncomment 'PreTest' to run as a pre test plugin
## Automatically select all PCIE slots with PassMark PCIe cards
##Number of PCIe slots to test
#NumPCIE 1
## Errors
## Action to take on error - Continue (Continue), Beep and continue (Beep), Stop tests (Stop)
ActionOnError Continue
## Management Console
##Management console server address eg http://localhost/htdocs/mgtconsolemsghandler.php
## HTTP authentication username
#Username user
## HTTP authentication password
#Password passwd
## Temperature settings
## Auto select which temperature sensors to watch
## Temperature sample time in seconds (min 5)
#SamplePeriod 10
## Scale - use either Celcius or Fahrenheit
## Stop testing if a sensor records a temperature higher than the threshold
## If not using AutoSelectSensors can add sensor names to look for here, must match what BurnInTest displays eg "CPU 0 Core 1"
## One per line between the "Sensors" tag (up to maxium 64), threshold after a ','
#CPU 0 Core 1,90
#CPU 0 Core 1,90
#CPU 0 Core 2,90
## Test Mode - Main or Pretest
TestMode Main
## Change comparison mode - Current (current capacity) or Full (full charge capacity)
Charge Current
## ThresholdAbs - Absolute threshold for when an error is logged. Use this or ThresholdPer.
#ThresholdAbs 10000
## ThresholdPer - Percentage threshold for when an error is logged
ThresholdPer 90
## 2D Video RAM test
## Run the OpenCL based video RAM test