0.000s - DEBUG: Starting... 0.000s - DEBUG: Start time: 2025/02/06, 03:57:45.161 0.000s - DEBUG: PerformanceTest 11.1 build 1002 X86 64-Bit 0.000s - DEBUG OS: Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 0.000s - DEBUG Path: C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest 0.000s - DEBUG Command line: "C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest\PerformanceTest64.exe" DEBUGMODE 0.000s - Date: 02/06/25 03:57:45 0.000s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 0.000s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 0.000s - Selected drive C 0.000s - HORZRES - 1920 VERTRES - 1080 0.000s - LOGPIXELSY - 120 LOGPIXELSX - 120 DPIScale - 1.250000 0.000s - TEMP DEBUG csum ok: 1 0.015s - DEBUG: Opening splash window 0.062s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 0.109s - Looking up CPU specification for "Baseline #3": AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12-Core Processor 23 113 0 0.109s - CPU specification not found 0.140s - Looking up CPU specification for "Baseline #5": 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H 6 154 0 0.156s - Looking up CPU specification for "Baseline #6": AMD Ryzen 5 Microsoft Surface (R) Edition 23 96 0 0.156s - CPU specification not found 0.187s - Looking up CPU specification for "Baseline #7": AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X 16-Core Processor 23 1 0 0.187s - CPU specification not found 0.203s - DEBUG: Retrieving Computer Name 0.203s - DEBUG: Retrieving OS Name 0.312s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 0.312s - DEBUG: Retrieving Graphics Info 1.328s - DEBUG: SysInfoDll_GetGraphicsInfo OK 1.328s - Video adapters: check unsupported 1.328s - Video adapters: iNumDD 1 1.328s - Video adapter 0: bDisplay: 1 szDeviceDescription: Intel(R) UHD Graphics szDriverVersion: : Memory: 1073741824 1.328s - Monitor 0:1 1920x1080x32 60Hz 120 DPI (Primary monitor) 1.328s - DEBUG: Retrieving USB Info 1.672s - DEBUG: GetProcessList 1.672s - DEBUG: SysInfoDLL_Results::GetProcessList start 1.672s - DEBUG: SysInfoDLL_Results::GetProcessList finished 1.672s - DEBUG: Get apps 1.859s - DEBUG: finished quickgather 1.859s - DEBUG: Checking language and local 1.859s - DEBUG: Got language and local 1.859s - DEBUG: Creating main window 1.937s - DEBUG: Updating Baseline List 1.937s - Updating baseline: using OS: 1.937s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 2.015s - DEBUG: Finished updating Baseline List 2.031s - Got WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message 2.047s - CD3DApplication::BuildDeviceList start 2.047s - CD3DApplication::BuildDeviceList adapter 0 of 1 2.062s - CD3DApplication::BuildDeviceList finish 2.062s - DEBUG PERF: Initialize3DEnvironment 6.328s - g_D3D9ComplexDeviceUsed found (Intel(R) UHD Graphics) 6.328s - Got WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message 6.328s - WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: BackBufferWidth 805 : BackBufferHeight 534 (previous: 491 : 625) 6.375s - Got WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message 6.375s - WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: BackBufferWidth 800 : BackBufferHeight 600 (previous: 805 : 534) 6.406s - Got WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message 6.406s - WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: BackBufferWidth 969 : BackBufferHeight 774 (previous: 800 : 600) 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - GetPersonalFolder: C:\Users\POS\Documents 6.437s - DEBUG GetPersonalFolder C:\Users\POS\Documents\PassMark\PerformanceTest11 6.437s - DEBUG: Creating performance stats thread 6.437s - DEBUG PERF: CPerformanceStats::Init start 6.781s - DEBUG PERF: CPerformanceStats adding counter 6.781s - DEBUG PERF: Added counter 6.781s - DEBUG PERF: CPerformanceStats::Init end 6.781s - DEBUG: Performance stats initialised 6.781s - DEBUG: Initialising bitmap resources 6.797s - DEBUG: Closing splash window 6.812s - DEBUG: RP 1 6.812s - DEBUG: RP 2 6.812s - DEBUG: RP 3 6.812s - DEBUG: RP 4 6.812s - DEBUG: RP 5 6.812s - DEBUG: RP 6 6.984s - DEBUG: RP 7 6.984s - DEBUG: RP 9 6.984s - DEBUG: RP 11 6.984s - DEBUG: RP 12 6.984s - DEBUG: RP 14 6.984s - DEBUG: RP 15 7.000s - DEBUG: RP 18 7.015s - DEBUG: Finished Welcome Window 7.359s - DEBUG: Launch System Information Thread 7.359s - DEBUG: Check for battery power 7.359s - DEBUG: Check for power saver plan 7.359s - DEBUG: Check for effective power mode 7.359s - DEBUG: Check for script 7.359s - DEBUG: Entering message loop 7.469s - SysInfoThread start 7.469s - DEBUG: SlowGather 9.359s - DEBUG: Retrieving Disk Info 17.156s - DEBUG: Retrieving SMART Info 21.922s - DEBUG: Retrieving Memory Info 21.922s - DEBUG: Retrieving CPU Info 40.422s - AMD integrated graphics check 40.422s - [DD 0] Intel(R) HD Graphics Family 40.437s - DEBUG: Retrieving Memory SPD Info 55.937s - DEBUG: Retrieving Memory Timing Info 60.328s - DEBUG: SysInfoDLL failed to get Memory Timing Info 60.328s - DEBUG: Retrieving WMI Info 68.281s - DEBUG: Retrieving SMBIOS Info 102.969s - DEBUG: SysInfoDLL failed to get SMBIOS Info 104.469s - DEBUG: Disk Info 104.469s - Hard Drive: Generic MMC128 (125GB) Unknown 104.469s - DEBUG: SlowGather - Get temperatures 110.234s - DEBUG: SlowGather - finished 110.250s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName CPU (Intel(R) Celeron(R) J6412 @ 2.00GHzd) 110.250s - GetCleanModelName GetModelListFromCache 110.250s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 110.344s - GetCleanModelName find clean name 110.344s - GetCleanModelName Intel Celeron J6412 @ 2.00GHz 110.344s - GetCleanModelName sort model list 110.359s - GetCleanModelName clean up list 110.359s - GetCleanModelName finished 1 (using Intel Celeron J6412 @ 2.00GHz) 110.375s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName G2D (Intel(R) UHD Graphics) 110.375s - SysInfoThread Intel(R) UHD Graphics 110.375s - GetCleanModelName GetModelListFromCache 110.375s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 110.422s - GetCleanModelName find clean name 110.422s - GetCleanModelName Intel UHD Graphics 110.422s - GetCleanModelName sort model list 110.437s - GetCleanModelName clean up list 110.437s - GetCleanModelName finished 1 (using Intel UHD Graphics) 110.437s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName Mem 110.453s - SysInfoThread SMBIOS Mem 1 manuf: 110.453s - SysInfoThread SMBIOS Mem 1 P/N: 56 5 110.453s - GetCleanModelName GetModelListFromCache 110.453s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 110.625s - GetCleanModelName find clean name 110.625s - GetCleanModelName sort model list 110.672s - GetCleanModelName clean up list 110.672s - GetCleanModelName finished 0 (using 56 5) 110.687s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName HDD 110.687s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 110.875s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName HDD g_cleanHDDModelList numItems: 1 110.890s - 110.890s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName HDD g_szCleanHDDModel Generic MMC128 iDiskIndex 0 110.890s - SysInfoThread GetCleanModelName HDD OK 110.890s - SysInfoThread Redraw 110.890s - SysInfoThread finished 110.890s - DEBUG: Updating Baseline List 110.906s - Updating baseline: using OS: 110.906s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 110.984s - DEBUG: Finished updating Baseline List 112.078s - Updating baseline: using OS: 112.078s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 112.109s - DEBUG: GetTemperature 117.094s - Updating baseline: using OS: 117.094s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 117.109s - DEBUG: GetTemperature 122.094s - Updating baseline: using OS: 122.094s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 122.140s - DEBUG: GetTemperature 127.078s - Updating baseline: using OS: 127.078s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 127.125s - DEBUG: GetTemperature 132.078s - Updating baseline: using OS: 132.078s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 132.109s - DEBUG: GetTemperature 137.094s - Updating baseline: using OS: 137.094s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 137.125s - DEBUG: GetTemperature 139.672s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 139.672s - GetChartDataFromCache - C:\ProgramData\PassMark\PerformanceTest11\Chart Data\g3dRating\all.xml 139.687s - GetChartDataFromCache - llSecsDiff > ALL_CHART_DATA_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECS - failed 139.812s - DEBUG PERF: Run G3D 140.140s - DEBUG PERF: Run G3D - Complex 140.140s - DEBUG: Running Test - DirectX 9 140.140s - CD3DApplication::CreateWithInfo start 140.156s - CD3DApplication::BuildDeviceList start 140.156s - CD3DApplication::BuildDeviceList adapter 0 of 1 140.156s - CD3DApplication::BuildDeviceList finish 140.172s - CD3DApplication::CreateWithInfo window created 140.172s - DEBUG PERF: Initialize3DEnvironment 140.250s - DEBUG PERF: InitDeviceObjects 140.250s - DEBUG: cpu_normals = 0 140.265s - DEBUG PERF: InitDeviceObjects - Initialize the font's internal textures 140.703s - DEBUG PERF: Init3DWater 140.703s - DEBUG PERF: Entering surface 141.578s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 0.0 141.625s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 1 141.625s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 1.1 (000000000C6EDB90) 141.625s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 1.2 (28224) 141.625s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 1.3 (0000000039D78F60) 141.625s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 2 (000000003BA80000) 141.656s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 3 (500) 143.437s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 4 143.437s - DEBUG PERF: BuildTerrainMesh 5 143.437s - DEBUG: DX9 using adapter: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 181.750s - g_D3D9ComplexDeviceUsed found (Intel(R) UHD Graphics) 181.750s - DEBUG: Call SysInfoDll_CheckWhichCardUsed 184.922s - DEBUG PERF: Run G3D - DX10 184.922s - DEBUG: Running Test - DirectX 10 185.062s - DEBUG DX10: Primary device = 0, adapter = 0 185.062s - D3D10 dbg C, 0, 1, 0 185.062s - D3D10 Find Device Settings 185.203s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateOutputs start 185.203s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateOutputs output found 0 185.203s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateDisplayModes start 185.203s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateDisplayModes adding 33 modes 185.203s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateDisplayModes finished (0) 185.203s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateOutputs EnumOutputs DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND iOutput 1 185.203s - DEBUG DX10: accepted device, Adapter=0 Output=0 185.234s - DEBUG DX10: accepted device, Adapter=0 Output=0 185.250s - CD3D10Enumeration::Enumerate added Intel(R) UHD Graphics 185.281s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateOutputs start 185.281s - CD3D10Enumeration::EnumerateOutputs EnumOutputs DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND iOutput 0 185.281s - CD3D10Enumeration::Enumerate EnumerateOutputs failed 0 185.281s - CD3D10Enumeration::Enumerate pFactory->EnumAdapters returned -2005270526 - break loop 185.281s - CD3D10Enumeration::Enumerated 1 devices - S_OK 185.281s - DD3D10: num adapters 1 185.281s - DD3D10: Adapter: 0 num device settings 2 185.281s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions Windowed fail (0, 1) 185.281s - DD3D10: setting 0 skipped 185.281s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 185.281s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1613.000000 185.281s - Selected setting 1 185.281s - D3D10 Change Device 1 185.281s - D3D10 Change Device 2 185.281s - D3D10 Change Device 3 185.281s - D3D10 Change Device 4 185.281s - D3D10 Change Device 4a 185.281s - D3D10 Change Device 5 185.281s - Create3DEnvironment10 185.281s - Creating with chosen settings 185.297s - EnumOutputs failed 887a0002 188.172s - Swap Chain Resized: Begin 188.172s - Swap Chain Resized: Create Render Target, 1902, 1033 188.187s - Swap Chain Resized: Modify Camera 188.187s - Swap Chain Resized: End 188.187s - Create3DEnvironment10 End 188.187s - D3D10 Change Device 6 188.187s - D3D10 Change Device 7 188.187s - D3D10 Change Device 8 188.187s - D3D10 Change Device 9 188.187s - D3D10 Change Device 10 188.203s - D3D10 Change Device 11 188.219s - D3D10 dbg B, 0, 1, 0 188.219s - D3D10 set loading complete 188.219s - D3D10 going fullscreen 188.219s - D3D10 Find Device Settings 188.219s - DD3D10: num adapters 1 188.219s - DD3D10: Adapter: 0 num device settings 2 188.219s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 188.219s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1614.000000 188.219s - Selected setting 0 188.219s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions Windowed fail (1, 0) 188.219s - DD3D10: setting 1 skipped 188.219s - D3D10 Change Device 1 188.219s - D3D10 Change Device 2 188.219s - D3D10 Change Device 3 188.219s - D3D10 Change Device 4 188.219s - D3D10 Change Device 4b 188.219s - D3D10 Change Device 5 188.219s - D3D10 DXUTReset3DEnvironment10 188.328s - DXUTCheckForDXGIBufferChange 188.328s - Swap Chain Releasing 188.344s - Swap Chain Resized: Begin 188.344s - Swap Chain Resized: Create Render Target, 1920, 1080 188.344s - Swap Chain Resized: Modify Camera 188.344s - Swap Chain Resized: End 188.344s - DXUTCheckForDXGIBufferChange End 188.453s - D3D10 Change Device 6 188.453s - D3D10 Change Device 7 188.453s - D3D10 Change Device 8 188.453s - D3D10 Change Device 9 188.453s - D3D10 Change Device 10 188.453s - D3D10 Change Device 11 188.453s - D3D10 finished going fullscreen 188.453s - D3D10 dbg A, 0, 0, 1 199.906s - D3D10 Find Device Settings 199.906s - DD3D10: num adapters 1 199.906s - DD3D10: Adapter: 0 num device settings 2 199.922s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 199.922s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1614.000000 199.922s - Selected setting 0 199.922s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 199.922s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1604.000000 199.922s - D3D10 Change Device 1 199.922s - D3D10 Change Device 2 199.922s - D3D10 Change Device 3 199.922s - D3D10 Change Device 4 199.922s - D3D10 Change Device 4b 199.922s - D3D10 Change Device 5 199.922s - Swap Chain Releasing 200.031s - Create3DEnvironment10 200.031s - Creating with chosen settings 200.062s - EnumOutputs failed 887a0002 200.156s - D3D10 dbg C, 28, 0, 1 203.328s - Swap Chain Resized: Begin 203.328s - Swap Chain Resized: Create Render Target, 1920, 1080 203.344s - Swap Chain Resized: Modify Camera 203.344s - Swap Chain Resized: End 203.344s - Create3DEnvironment10 End 203.344s - D3D10 Change Device 6 203.344s - D3D10 Change Device 7 203.344s - D3D10 Change Device 8 203.344s - D3D10 Change Device 9 203.344s - D3D10 Change Device 10 203.344s - D3D10 Change Device 11 208.390s - D3D10 Find Device Settings 208.390s - DD3D10: num adapters 1 208.390s - DD3D10: Adapter: 0 num device settings 2 208.390s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 208.390s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1614.000000 208.390s - Selected setting 0 208.390s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 208.390s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1604.000000 208.390s - D3D10 Change Device 1 208.390s - D3D10 Change Device 2 208.390s - D3D10 Change Device 3 208.390s - D3D10 Change Device 4 208.390s - D3D10 Change Device 4b 208.390s - D3D10 Change Device 5 208.390s - Swap Chain Releasing 208.515s - Create3DEnvironment10 208.515s - Creating with chosen settings 208.547s - EnumOutputs failed 887a0002 211.719s - Swap Chain Resized: Begin 211.719s - Swap Chain Resized: Create Render Target, 1920, 1080 211.734s - Swap Chain Resized: Modify Camera 211.734s - Swap Chain Resized: End 211.734s - Create3DEnvironment10 End 211.734s - D3D10 Change Device 6 211.734s - D3D10 Change Device 7 211.750s - D3D10 Change Device 8 211.750s - D3D10 Change Device 9 211.750s - D3D10 Change Device 10 211.750s - D3D10 Change Device 11 214.906s - D3D10 Find Device Settings 214.906s - DD3D10: num adapters 1 214.906s - DD3D10: Adapter: 0 num device settings 2 214.906s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 214.906s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1614.000000 214.906s - Selected setting 0 214.906s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 214.906s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1604.000000 214.906s - D3D10 Change Device 1 214.906s - D3D10 Change Device 2 214.906s - D3D10 Change Device 3 214.906s - D3D10 Change Device 4 214.906s - D3D10 Change Device 4b 214.906s - D3D10 Change Device 5 214.906s - Swap Chain Releasing 215.031s - Create3DEnvironment10 215.031s - Creating with chosen settings 215.062s - EnumOutputs failed 887a0002 215.140s - D3D10 dbg C, 41, 0, 1 218.484s - Swap Chain Resized: Begin 218.484s - Swap Chain Resized: Create Render Target, 1920, 1080 218.500s - Swap Chain Resized: Modify Camera 218.500s - Swap Chain Resized: End 218.500s - Create3DEnvironment10 End 218.500s - D3D10 Change Device 6 218.500s - D3D10 Change Device 7 218.500s - D3D10 Change Device 8 218.500s - D3D10 Change Device 9 218.500s - D3D10 Change Device 10 218.500s - D3D10 Change Device 11 221.672s - D3D10 Find Device Settings 221.672s - DD3D10: num adapters 1 221.672s - DD3D10: Adapter: 0 num device settings 2 221.672s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 221.672s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1614.000000 221.672s - Selected setting 0 221.672s - DD3D10: ComboMatchPreserveOptions return true 221.672s - DD3D10: DXUTRankD3D10DeviceCombo rank 1604.000000 221.672s - D3D10 Change Device 1 221.672s - D3D10 Change Device 2 221.672s - D3D10 Change Device 3 221.672s - D3D10 Change Device 4 221.672s - D3D10 Change Device 4b 221.672s - D3D10 Change Device 5 221.672s - Swap Chain Releasing 221.781s - Create3DEnvironment10 221.781s - Creating with chosen settings 221.797s - DXUT_Dynamic_D3D10CreateDevice failed 8876086a 221.797s - EnumAdapters failed 8876086a 221.828s - DXUTGetExitCode : 0 234.422s - DEBUG PERF: Run G3D - DX11 234.422s - DEBUG: Running Test - DirectX 11 234.422s - Debug: Launch C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest\PT-D3D11Test.exe +0.000s - DEBUG: Starting...PT-D3D11Test32.exe +0.000s - DEBUG Path: C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest +0.016s - DEBUG Command line: "C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest\PT-D3D11Test.exe" +0.016s - Date: 02/06/25 04:01:39 +0.016s - DX11 test: ApplySLIDriverSettings +0.016s - DX11 test: Setup general callbacks +0.016s - DX11 test: Setup DX11 callbacks +0.016s - DX11 test: Init App +0.016s - DX11 test: Init cameras +0.016s - DX11 test: Init settings +0.016s - DX11 test: transparent objects +0.016s - DX11 test: Init alpha jelly +0.016s - DX11 test: Init jellys +0.016s - DX11 test: InitApp done +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTInit +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTInit start +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTInit init controls +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTInit reset timer +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTInit finished +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTSetCursorSettings +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTCreateWindow +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTCreateWindow start +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTCreateWindow register window +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTCreateWindow initial state +0.016s - DX11 test: DXUTCreateWindow create window +0.031s - DX11 test: DXUTCreateWindow done +0.031s - DX11 test: DXUTGetD3D11Enumeration +5.641s - DX11 test: DXUTCreateDevice OK +35.188s - DX11 test: exit code 5 +35.188s - DX11 test: FPS: 4.844386 270.094s - Debug: ExitCode 0 : DXutExit 5 () 270.094s - DEBUG: Call SysInfoDll_CheckWhichCardUsed 271.219s - DEBUG PERF: Run G3D - DX12 271.219s - DEBUG: Running Test - DirectX 12 +0.000s - DEBUG: Starting...PT-D3D12Test32.exe +0.000s - DEBUG Path: C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest +0.000s - DEBUG Command line: "C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest\PT-D3D12Test64.exe" +0.000s - Date: 02/06/25 04:02:16 +0.000s - DEBUG: OSVERSIONINFOEX: dwMajorVersion 10, dwMinorVersion 0, dwBuildNumber 26100 +0.000s - DEBUG: Checking for d3d12.dll existence +0.000s - DEBUG: CreateDXGIFactory2() +0.016s - DEBUG: Enumerate Adapters... +0.016s - *** Adapter [0]: Intel(R) UHD Graphics +0.016s - *** Dedicated Memory: 134217728 +0.016s - *** Software Adapter: No +0.063s - *** Direct3D 12 Support: Yes +0.063s - *** Output: \\.\DISPLAY1 +0.063s - Width = 640 Height = 480 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 640 Height = 480 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 800 Height = 600 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 800 Height = 600 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1024 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1024 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1152 Height = 864 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1152 Height = 864 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 600 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 600 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 720 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 720 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 800 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.063s - Width = 1280 Height = 800 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1280 Height = 960 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1280 Height = 960 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1280 Height = 1024 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1280 Height = 1024 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1360 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1360 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1366 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1366 Height = 768 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1400 Height = 1050 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1400 Height = 1050 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1440 Height = 900 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1440 Height = 900 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1600 Height = 900 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1600 Height = 900 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1680 Height = 1050 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1680 Height = 1050 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - Width = 1920 Height = 1080 Refresh = 147840000/2464000 +0.078s - *** Adapter [1]: Microsoft Basic Render Driver +0.078s - *** Dedicated Memory: 0 +0.078s - *** Software Adapter: Yes +0.078s - *** Direct3D 12 Support: Yes +0.078s - DEBUG: DX12 Adapter 0 - dedicated memory 134217728 - maxMemorySize 0 +0.078s - DEBUG: DX12 using Adapter 0 Intel(R) UHD Graphics (detectedVideoMemory: 6) +0.078s - DEBUG: Current display settings 1920 x 1080 +0.094s - DEBUG: Failed to adjust display settings to 3840 x 2160 +0.094s - DEBUG: DX12 Adapter 0: SharedSystemMemory 4200820736, DedicatedSystemMemory 0, DedicatedVideoMemory 134217728 +0.094s - DEBUG:g_SharedMemoryPtr->VideoMemoryMB 1024 +0.110s - DEBUG: Setting up Asteroids Simulation: 25000 Asteroids +1.110s - DEBUG: Setting up Scene: 0 Models +1.110s - DEBUG: D3D12CreateDevice() - Intel(R) UHD Graphics +1.219s - DEBUG: Number of detected nodes on device: 1 +1.219s - DEBUG: Benchmark In use Node Count: 1, Node Resources Count: 4 +1.219s - DEBUG: MulitSample Enabled: MS2 Q0 +1.219s - DEBUG: Creating Main/Copy Command Queues, Allocators and Lists +1.250s - DEBUG: Creating Nodes Command Queues, Allocators and lists +1.266s - DEBUG: D3D11On12CreateDevice() +1.313s - DEBUG: Create D2D/DWrite components. +1.328s - DEBUG: Asteroids::LoadPipeline Create descriptor heaps for nodes. +1.328s - DEBUG: Create synchronization objects. +1.328s - DEBUG: CreateRootSignature() Generic +1.328s - DEBUG: CreateRootSignature() Quad +1.328s - DEBUG: CreateRootSignature() Asteroids +1.328s - DEBUG: CreateRootSignature() BlurFilter +1.328s - DEBUG: CreateCommandSignature() +1.532s - DEBUG: CreateGraphicsPipelineState() - All +1.657s - DEBUG: Creating Asteroid and Skybox Textures +1.719s - DEBUG: Load Skybox +1.782s - DEBUG: Blur filter +1.782s - DEBUG: sample create +1.782s - DEBUG: Create D2D/DWrite objects for rendering text. +1.782s - DEBUG: Looping... nodeCount: 0 nodeResourcesCount: 0 nodeMask: 1 +1.797s - DEBUG: Looping... nodeCount: 0 nodeResourcesCount: 1 nodeMask: 1 +1.797s - DEBUG: Looping... nodeCount: 0 nodeResourcesCount: 2 nodeMask: 1 +1.797s - DEBUG: Looping... nodeCount: 0 nodeResourcesCount: 3 nodeMask: 1 +1.813s - DEBUG: CreateFrameResources() Loop count: 4 +1.813s - DEBUG: CreateSubsets +1.828s - DEBUG: Using 4 subsets per frame. +1.828s - DEBUG: Loading Collada Scene +1.844s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::SceneRenderer Create descriptor heaps for nodes. +1.844s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::SceneRenderer Create SMPDescriptorList +1.844s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer: GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize +1.844s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer: create new Scene +7.453s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer: resize buffer +7.453s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer: LoadPipeline +7.453s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer: CreatePSO +7.453s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreatePSO Calling D3D12SerializeRootSignature +7.453s - DEBUG serializedLayout size: 428 buffer: 000002C4F9978050 +7.453s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreatePSO Calling CreateRootSignature +7.453s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreatePSO Calling CreateGraphicsPipelineState (Models) +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreatePSO Calling CreateGraphicsPipelineState (Shadows) +7.500s - DEBUG: LoadPipeline: Creating Samplers +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer: CreateFrameResources +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,0) Create Shadow Shader Resources +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,0) Frame Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,0) Shadow Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,0) Models Constant Buffer +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,1) Create Shadow Shader Resources +7.500s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,1) Frame Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.516s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,1) Shadow Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.516s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,1) Models Constant Buffer +7.516s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,2) Create Shadow Shader Resources +7.516s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,2) Frame Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.516s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,2) Shadow Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.516s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,2) Models Constant Buffer +7.516s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,3) Create Shadow Shader Resources +7.532s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,3) Frame Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.532s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,3) Shadow Constant Buffer Upload Heap +7.532s - DEBUG: SceneRenderer::CreateFrameResources (0,3) Models Constant Buffer +7.532s - DEBUG: Creating DX12 Test Window +7.578s - DEBUG: Resize called 1924 x 1055 +7.578s - DEBUG: CreateSwapChainForHwnd() +7.625s - DEBUG: MakeWindowAssociation() +7.625s - DEBUG: IDXGISwapChain1->QueryInterface() +7.641s - DEBUG: Create a wrapped 11On12 resource for each Swap Chain Buffer +7.703s - DEBUG: Create depth stencil/view +7.719s - DEBUG: Resize Scene +7.735s - DEBUG: Resize called 1920 x 1080 +7.735s - DEBUG: Resize Swap Chain Buffers +7.782s - DEBUG: Create a wrapped 11On12 resource for each Swap Chain Buffer +7.860s - DEBUG: Create depth stencil/view +7.860s - DEBUG: Resize Scene +7.860s - DEBUG: Entering Main Loop +38.016s - DEBUG: stop test, send close message +38.703s - DEBUG: Exited Main Loop +38.703s - Actual FPS: 6.465843 Resolution Penalty FPS: 2.586337 310.719s - DEBUG: Call SysInfoDll_CheckWhichCardUsed 311.875s - DEBUG PERF: Run G3D - DirectCompute 311.875s - DEBUG: Running Test - GPU Compute 311.875s - Start DirectCompute test 311.875s - RunMandelbrotTest 331.437s - [0] C:\Program Files\PerformanceTest\Mandel.exe Exit Code: 0 331.453s - MandelbrotTest - done 331.453s - RunNBodyTest 331.469s - GetCombinedAdapterList start 331.469s - GetCombinedAdapterList Getting DirectX Adapters 331.656s - GetCombinedAdapterList enum DX adapters 331.656s - DX Adapter Found: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 331.656s - GetCombinedAdapterList Getting OpenCL Adapters 331.719s - ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs failed (1) [-1001]. 331.719s - GetCombinedAdapterList No adapters found. 344.219s - OnRunNbody - No adaptors found 353.969s - DEBUG: GetTemperature 354.187s - Updating baseline: using OS: 354.187s - Windows 11 build 26100 (64-bit) 354.219s - DEBUG PERF: calc_mark_vals CPU test 1 result is 0 354.219s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 354.234s - DEBUG PERF: calc mark num3DTestRun = 3 354.234s - DEBUG PERF: calc mark everything 354.234s - DEBUG PERF: numtest < 5 354.234s - DEBUG PERF: num3DTestRun 0 354.265s - TEMP DEBUG csum 2 ok: 1 354.265s - TEMP DEBUG csum 3 ok: 1 354.312s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 354.312s - GetChartDataFromCache - C:\ProgramData\PassMark\PerformanceTest11\Chart Data\g3dRating\all.xml 354.312s - GetChartDataFromCache - llSecsDiff > ALL_CHART_DATA_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECS - failed 354.344s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 354.344s - GetChartDataFromCache - C:\ProgramData\PassMark\PerformanceTest11\Chart Data\g3dRating\all.xml 354.344s - GetChartDataFromCache - llSecsDiff > ALL_CHART_DATA_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECS - failed 354.344s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 355.062s - GetCommonApplicationDataFolder: C:\ProgramData 355.062s - GetChartDataFromCache - C:\ProgramData\PassMark\PerformanceTest11\Chart Data\g3dRating\all.xml 614.875s - Got WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message 614.875s - WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: BackBufferWidth 800 : BackBufferHeight 600 (previous: 969 : 774) 614.890s - DEBUG 3D: Failed Reset (2289436778)