Is there a way to capture the Baseline information that Peromance Test reads from the PC to a database or textfile?
System information: This Computer CPU Manufacturer: GenuineIntel Number of CPU: 2 (1 Core(s)/CPU, 2 Logical(s)/Core) CPU Type: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.40GHz CPU1 Speed: 3400.1 MHz CPU2 Speed: 3400.1 MHz Cache size: 1024KB O/S: Windows XP (WIN32) Total RAM: 1023.5 MB. Available RAM: 442.4 MB. Video settings: 1600x1200x32 Video driver: DESCRIPTION: RADEON X600 Series MANUFACTURER: RADEON X600 Series BIOS: BK-ATI VER008.015.120.000 DATE: 05/03/29 Drive Letter: C Total Disk Space: 69.2 GBytes Cluster Size: 4.0 KBytes File system: NTFS