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All benchmark results vary between runs

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  • yemred
    Thanks, just wanted to make sure everything is ok and there isn't any issues performance related or thermal throttling etc.

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  • David (PassMark)
    cpu scores were 12499, 12304, 12145 and 12519
    This is only around a 2% variation. It is normal for a modern windows machine which have a huge amount of activity running in the background. Modern CPUs are also much more variable in speed. They vary in response to temperature and power conditions. Same for GPU (except generally there is less background activity). But the CPU power also influences the 3D result.

    If you want more stable benchmarks try,
    1) Running the test for a longer duration
    2) Do multiple runs of the test and keep the best value.
    Both these options can be selected from the Preferences window.

    Also check the system temperatures.

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  • yemred
    started a topic All benchmark results vary between runs

    All benchmark results vary between runs


    I got myself a brand new laptop with Ryzen 7 1700 and Rx 580. The first thing I did was a BurnIn Test which came back fine. Then I have made a benchmark test for several times on different occasions and all came back different. For example, cpu scores were 12499, 12304, 12145 and 12519. 3d scores had significant difference, they were 8162, 7400 something, 7500 something and 8159. The power setting was on high performance all the time and I couldnt find any possible problem that could cause this in "Causes and Solutions for a Slow Pc" thread. Drivers are all up-to-date and all driver settings are default. I am not concerned about the Cpu result as it may be caused by background operations but I am really concerned and confused about 3d results.