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TestLog Question

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    Currently there isn’t a way to lock the ID to prevent this behaviour from happening, however it will be fixed in the next patch so multiple users creating new test cases at the same time won't overwrite each other.

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  • Anonymous
    started a topic TestLog Question

    TestLog Question

    We are currently evaluating TestLog and have run accross an issue that hopefully someone can help with.

    The issue occurs if we have multiple users logged on to one database and they are both creating new testcases in the same test suite. When each of the users select to create a test case, each receive a new test case form with the next incremented test case id (which ends up being the same number for both users). If the first user saves the new test case followed by the second user, the second user's test case overwrites the first user's just saved test case.

    Is there a way when creating a new test case to lock that test case id so when another person creates a test case before that one is saved, they do not use that same test case id?