Errors with Raw Disks
I have been testing the raw disk and getting an error.
If I partition, format and mount three test drives they all pass BurnIn Test. but when I wipe the disks and remove their entry from fstab and then re-test as raw I get this error on all three drives:
While I'm here, i'd like to ask a couple of questions.
If a drive actually has a partition but is not mounted and does not have an entry in fstab, would you expect Bit to still see it as a raw disk? I would like to be able to run the raw disk test in these cirumstances, is this possible?
Would it be possible to un-clutter the test preferences/Disk window? Would it be possible to remove cdrom entries and as I am experimenting with knoppix things like
Finally, and this one gets the most comments when I demo the linux version: as the test disk info normally exceeds the field size (requiring expanding the field via the mouse), would you consider changing something like
to just
I understand I cannot speak for others and we are very new to linux here, but we just need to know the drive or drive/partition we are trying to test.
Please don't give up on the linux version, for us I'm sure it's going to be the way to go. We use your Windows version for a small returns dept but for our raw input we use manufactures diags. When I can pull this project together we will be transferring over to linux.
I have been testing the raw disk and getting an error.
If I partition, format and mount three test drives they all pass BurnIn Test. but when I wipe the disks and remove their entry from fstab and then re-test as raw I get this error on all three drives:
Seek size requested not equal to actual
If a drive actually has a partition but is not mounted and does not have an entry in fstab, would you expect Bit to still see it as a raw disk? I would like to be able to run the raw disk test in these cirumstances, is this possible?
Would it be possible to un-clutter the test preferences/Disk window? Would it be possible to remove cdrom entries and as I am experimenting with knoppix things like
Startup Disk: [/dev/root]"
"Media (KNOPPIX) [/dev/cloop].
"Media (KNOPPIX) [/dev/cloop].
Media (/media/sdb1) [/dev/sdb1]
Please don't give up on the linux version, for us I'm sure it's going to be the way to go. We use your Windows version for a small returns dept but for our raw input we use manufactures diags. When I can pull this project together we will be transferring over to linux.