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BurnIn Test Build 1003 linux

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    I was just able to reproduce the problem, it seems to be happening if the test preferences window is opened and the tests started without opening the duty cycle / test selection window between the two actions. So it looks the test preferences window is incorrectly flagging the USB test to start so this should be fixed for the next build.

    I'll keep looking into the serious errors not being cleared.

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  • allens

    Problem re-appeared and realised it occurs only when /dev/sda2 is selcted for test. Note: /dev/sda1 is a swap partition.
    PC is an HP nx6310 with an Intel Chipset 945GM/PM/GMS.

    To repeat I get an extra test line under "Report Summery":
                         Cycles    Operations    Result    Errors    Last Errors 
    USB PLUG 1 0:         0         0            Pass      0          none
    If I re-run the test but unclick /media/sda2 /dev/sda2, then USB PLUG entry does not appear.

    Secondly, I have wriiten in the forum before about logging with the
    "Clear test results and creatre new (or overwrite existing) log files"
    option selected.
    I can confirm that the test summery is cleared but I have found that the "Serious Error Summary" remains and gives the overal "Test Result Failed" message. A typical scenario is that tests are started with faulty CD & BurnIn Test gives an error. So replace disk, restart tests and now all tests pass. But the log still reports the previous cd read error etc as described above.



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  • Tim (PassMark)
    Thanks for the extra info, it's possible there was a discrepancy in the config file causing BurnInTest to think the test was running when it came to logging the results, if you see it again can you please send us the config file and we’ll see if we can reproduce it.

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  • allens
    Hello & update.

    Started again with a completely new cfg file and problem has disappeared!

    Any ideas why it should have occurred?



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  • allens
    started a topic BurnIn Test Build 1003 linux

    BurnIn Test Build 1003 linux


    Trying the latest linux build and noticed that the result summary always includes "USB Plug 1 0:0" even though usb tests are turned off in the test selection & duty cycle page.

    Usb testing is not displayed in the live test window only within the log.

