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questions about scripting

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  • questions about scripting

    From doing a little research it seems that I might need to script two separate tests together to accomplish our needs. From looking through the help file it seems like it wouldn’t be that difficult, my only question is regarding the run command. I don’t really understand how to write this to start the test. Is this how you start the test or is there another way? I’m assuming that I would be able to set it and forget it and run multiple tests together sequentially, that’s what this all suggests. I just need a little guidance in how to word the program to begin the test.

    We are hosting the program on a jump drive and not on the hard drive of the computer it self, if that makes a difference.

  • #2
    Scripting is described in the help file and User guides.

    You can start running a script manually from the menu option, Test->Execute script, or automatically using a command line parameter -s:

    -S [scriptfilename]
    On startup, BurnInTest will automatically run the script file specified by [scriptfilename]. [scriptfilename] can be an absolute or relative path to the script file, but if the path and/or filename contain any space characters, you should enclose the entire string in double quotes (“”).

    There are a number of different way to specify command line arguments and this can depend on what you are trying to achieve. The most common options for specifying a command line argument are:

    1) You can create a shortcut to bit.exe and then specify the command line in the shortcut target.

    Example 1: Start BurnInTest from a shortcut and run tests automatically.
    Right click on the bit.exe file and select Create Shortcut.
    Right click on the new shortcut file and select Properties and specify a Target with the command line argument.
    "C:\BurnInTest\bit.exe" -r -s MyScript.bits
    Now to run BurnInTest with these command line parameters, just double click the BurnInTest shortcut. You could also copy the shortcut to the Windows Startup folder to run BurnInTest automatically with the current default settings after Windows has booted.

    2) You can open a command window, Start-R, "Cmd". This will open a command window where you can type commands directly, such as shown below.

    Example 2: Start BurnInTest from a command window and run a pre-defined script of tests
    Select Windows Start-R, "Cmd"
    Once the Windows command window is open, type in the commands:
    cd C:\Program Files\BurnInTest
    bit.exe -s MyScript.bits

    3) You can write a batch file to execute BurnInTest with Command line arguments.

    Example 3: Start BurnInTest from a batch file with a pre-defined configuration file
    Create a file with an text editor (like Notepad) called Test.bat and include the lines in the file
    cd "\program files\BurnInTest"
    bit.exe –s MyScript.bits

    Example 4: Start BurnInTest on a USB thumb drive from a batch file, run the tests automatically and use the bit.exe directory as the default directory (i.e. save log files to the USB thumb drive).
    In the BurnInTest directory on the thumbdrive, you create a file, bit_p.bat, then edit this file and add the line:
    bit.exe -r -p -s MyScript.bits



    • #3
      i had read through the help files and every thing seems pretty easy to understand and make work. whats i was having a difficult time with was the run command. i really dont have much of a knowledge of programing, but i think this
      RUN <Test Name>
      <Test Name>See below for a list of all test names.
      #Run the CD test with the current settings
      RUN CD
      #Run all the tests in the current configuration simultaneously
      is what makes the script start? or is that what you had refered to in your previous post? if that is the case i would just need to write the script to load the test files then begin the test using the methods you just described, correct?

      thank you,


      • #4
        Sorry, seems I misunderstood your question.

        "RUN" is a script command that is used within the script file to run a test or the current test configuration, it is not used to run the script file. So, to write a script to run a series of tests you would create a file name (e.g.) MyScript.bits and put it in the BurnInTest directory on your USB drive (where you have installed BurnInTest).

        The script file would (e.g.) contain the following lines:

        LOG "Starting test script"

        #Run some individual tests
        LOG "Running CD for 1 minute"
        RUN CD
        LOG "Running Disk for 1 minute"
        RUN DISK
        LOG "Running Memory for 1 minute"
        RUN MEMORY

        #Run a test configuration
        LOG "Load my test config to run a set of tests in parallel"
        LOAD "MyTestConfig.bitcfg"
        LOG "Running current configuration"
        RUN CONFIG

        #Close BurnInTest after the script finishes

        Now my previous post covers how to run the script. The most common method is probably writing a MS-batch file (e.g. MyTest.bat, again in the BurnInTest directory on the USB drive) and sticking the commandline in the batch file:
        bit.exe -p -r -s MyScript.bits

        Also see Command line scripting in the help file for more information on the command line options you can use. E.g. -s <script filename>, starts the specified script file when BurnInTest starts; -r starts testing without the warning message - i.e. no intervention required; -p means default to the BurnInTest directory (on the USB drive) for file access.



        • #5
          wow thank you that was exactly what i needed. perfect timing too i needed some thing to keep me occupied for the day. : ) i think from here i can figure out the rest, your help was very much appreciated.


