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BSOD during RAM test

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  • BSOD during RAM test

    I have tried BIT for testing a new PC just integrated, and I think I have problems with my RAM (4x2GB) on a CoreI5-750 and a Gigabyte P55M-UD4 MoBo, all running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. When I started to get intermitent BSODs decided to try running BIT to isolate the cause or the RAM stick. But, all I get are BSODs when testing the RAM, but only intermetently. It could run OK for several cycles, no errors, and then suddenly, a BSOD. So, how does BIT helps troubleshooting the problem if instead of giving a diagnostic of the error and faulty address, I only get a BSOD, same as any other program running... ?? what am I doing wrong?

    Thank you

  • #2
    What are the details on the BSOD? Are they consistent?
    You can certianly get a BSOD from bad RAM. it can happen when the bad RAM is being used by an essential process (e.g. the operating system or device driver).

    As you have several sticks of RAM in use, then you could try removing one stick at a time and re-testing each time.

    Or try re-ordering the RAM sticks on the motherboard. This may allow the O/S enough good RAM to be stable, and then you can detect a fault in the other (now unused) RAM without a crash.


    • #3
      I had a look at the qualified ram list for your motherboard and it seems Gigabyte does not do much testing using all slots populated. Many motherboards have problems running memory at full rated speed with all 4 slots populated. What memory brand and part number are you using. What I would try dropping the memory speed to the next lower speed. Example: If you have DDR3 1333 drop it to 1066. If this fixes the trouble you may be able to get it to run full speed by adjusting ram timings manually and or bumping the voltage slightly.

      You can use CPU-Z to see your memory timings etc. Make sure the timings and voltage match your memory's rated timings. I have found that many boards do not increase "Row refresh cycle time" tRFC when using 4 modules even though it is usually a must to maintain stability. CPU-Z should show a high number. DDR3 can require tRFC settings as high as 80. If you find tRFC set much lower check in your bios and see if you can increase this setting. Note this setting will not affect performance so set it to 80 or as high as it will allow.

      Another useful tool is Memtest86+. I would run this overnight and see if you get any errors. A stable system should pass without errors. You do not say what OS you are running. If you are running Vista or Windows 7 both have a built in memory test function. From the start search box type "windows memory diagnostic" in the search box and hit enter. Note a reboot will be required.

      Please post your results, thanks
      Main Box*AMD Ryzen 7 5800X*ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING*G.SKILL 32GB 2X16 D4 3600 TRZ RGB*Geforce GTX 1070Ti*Samsung 980 Pro 1 TB*Samsung 860 EVO 1 TB*Samsung 860 EVO 2 TB*Asus DRW-24B3LT*LG HL-DT-ST BD-RE WH14NS40*Windows 10 Pro 21H2

