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Installation and registration is time consuming
Also, in V6.0 of BurnInTest, we added the feature to install BurnInTest to a USB drive. This will copy all of the neccesary files to the USB drive (or other drive) and create any other files needed.
This option is File-> Install BurnInTest to a USB Drive...
The instructions for the option are included in the help file section on "Test automation and productivity".
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Make a simple text file with a file named key.dat.
In it put the following:
registration code
Place the file in the same folder where bit.exe resides.
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Installation and registration is time consuming
I've got purchased 5 licences of BurnInTest Professional V6.
I needs sometime test or burn lot of computers - max. 5 computers.
There's the problem with registration BT on new computer - the process installation and registration is to much time consuming.
Idea is install BT on USB Flash disk or network disk and run BT from this places, but this is not functional. Have you any idea to solve this problem ?Tags: None
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