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CPU Test of burnIn 5.3

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  • CPU Test of burnIn 5.3

    We ran burn in test v5.3 and found the CPU Maths and CPU SIMD Cycle are unusual ( one is 0 and other is 1)

    the CPU is i5 and P4500

    Please help to explain the symptom and how to solve.


  • #2
    We don't support V5 anymore.

    There is a fair chance this was a bugs and already fixed in the last 5 years of development.

    Or it might be that the duty cycle setting was turned way down for the CPU test.

    Can you see if you have the same problem with V7, and check the duty cycle setting.


    • #3
      CPU Test of Burn In V6 1030

      We used the program V6 1030 to test and reduce the duty to run over 13 hours again.
      We found three symptoms as below:
      1. CPU test normally with 8122 cycles
      2. CPU test no testing without error
      3. CPU test with 0 cycle and no operations reported in timeout period.

      Could you explain the symptoms or give us some suggestion to run CPU / RAM / HDD / 2D / 3D / Memory / Network / Sound and Video at the same time.



      • #4
        It would appear that all of the CPU test threads have stopped. This is very unusual.

        Does the problem occur if you only run the CPU test?

        If it does, then my first suspicion would be that there is a problem with your CPU for a specific CPU instruction.

        Could you please try the CPU instruction groups one at a time to see which CPU intruction group leads to no increase in the operation count?
        i.e. set Configuration->Test Preferences->CPU:
        Select only SSE and test,
        Select only SSE2 and test,
        Select only SSE3 and test,

        Could you please send me a Level 2 trace file(s), *.trace, showing the test run up to the error. Level 2 trace logging can be turned on in Configuration->Test Preferences, Logging.

        You can email the trace files to me as shown on this page:

        My second suspicion, would be that the system has run out of memory, and the CPU test is unable to allocoate memory for test data. If you run BurnInTest 7.0 and it works, then this is most likely the problem:


        • #5
          CPU Test of Burn In V6 1030

          After we swapped the HDD, we found the symptom followed with HDD. (maybe OS).
          Anyway, we have created the trace file for each test (MMX / SSE / SSE2 / SSE3 ) two minutes and will send you later.

          Thanks for your support


          • #6
            Strange that the CPU test should stop based on the HDD. It might have been interested to see if a specific CPU group caused the problem or whether it was a memory allocation problem. In any case thanks for the feedback.

