HI Tim,
Thanks for your information, I tried to use "SETTEMP AUTO YES". However, my external drive (HDD1) was not selected.
Anyway, thanks for your support.
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Temperature Sources selected automatically
It isn't possible to set values for specific temperature sources like this in the scripting, only the Auto thresholds can be set (when using SETTEMP AUTO YES).
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Hi Tim,
Sorry for my weak explanation,
I just have an external drive and I plug it into my laptop. Then, I use BurnInTest to test it with Cycle Mode and Temperature option (please check the picture for more information).
My problem is I cannot select / set Event Thresholds for my external drive via scripting.
Sorry once again for my bad English
Thanks for your confirmation.
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So far we haven't been able to reproduce any issues here when setting the threshold via scripting, is the drive showing up in BurnInTest in the available temperature sources when you go to the temperature tab in the test preferences?
Could you please attach the script you are using so we can take a look.
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Temperature Sources selected automatically
Hi PassMark,
I am using BurnInTest V8.1Pro (1013).
I want to set "Temperature sources" automatically. However, I just can using SETTEMP AUTO_DISK to set threshold but this option does not effect on external drive.
Could you please provide me the way to set "Threshold" for Temperature Sources of external drive?
Thanks for reading my topic,
Regards...Tags: None
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