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Issue with networked drives

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  • Issue with networked drives

    I've been having a few issues, mostly with getting the log files back to my server.

    Currently we're using the evaluation to see if it would be worth our time to commit to purchase. Right now we are unable to save the logs to our network drives. BurnInTest doesn't recognize them or something. We keep getting the error "Problem creating the directory \"PCNAMEHERE"\logs, Please check the directory access permissions."

    We are using WinPE (windows 10 version) via PXE boot. Everything else seems to be ok. We just cannot get the logs to save over. We've pinged the server and get a response in the cmd prompt. This is vital to us as we need to have logs of all pc's we stress test.

    Any help to point in the right direction would be helpful. If there's some script we can use to upload after the fact that's fine to. We just need to automate the process to an almost set and forget level.


  • #2
    You will likely need to mount the network share to a drive letter first (providing any user name and password required).
    We were able to create a log over the network after using this command from the winpe command line before launching BurnInTest;
    net use z: \\\folder /user:username password


    • #3
      That worked for the most part.

      Still giving us the same error of "Problem creating the directory" however it's allowing the logs to be saved.

      I have the command set up as:
      net use z: \\\folder [password] /user:[username]

      It connects just fine, just gives that error still.

      On another note we're trying to get the log files to name with the Serial number. We've put %reportserial% into the log name prefix, but nothing shows up on the actual log. %Computername% works fine. It'd be very useful if we could log using the Serial of the pc.


      • #4
        i just solved make a startnet.cmd as this:

        :: [Initialize WinPE]
        Echo off
        wpeinit /unattend
        @net use z: \\\ARCHIVIO /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        @net use y: \\\wds /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        :: A directory called "WIM" as a sub-directory of "ARCHIVIO".
        SET PATH=Z:\WIM\

        :: [Hard Drive Formatting]

        :: WARNING: Diskpart is only required if your disk is unformatted - This will delete any data on physical drive n.
        Echo off
        :: start a small vbs program to give me an system information
        echo. ======================= TEST E COLLAUDO MACCHINE ========================
        echo. ======================= ATTENZIONE - CON CAUTELA ========================
        echo 1 Passa direttamente a WINPE
        echo 2 Esegui il test (elimina TUTTI i dati del disco)
        echo 3 Esegui il test (Testa la macchina senza formattare)
        set /p input=Scegliere un' opzione (1-2-3):
        IF %INPUT% EQU 1 GOTO end
        IF %INPUT% EQU 3 GOTO test2
        Echo off
        @net use z: \\\ARCHIVIO /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        @net use y: \\\wds /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        :: A directory called "WIM" as a sub-directory of "ARCHIVIO".
        SET PATH=Z:\WIM\
        GOTO START

        diskpart /s script2.txt
        diskpart /s script.txt

        @net use z: \\\ARCHIVIO /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        @net use y: \\\wds /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        :: A directory called "WIM" as a sub-directory of "ARCHIVIO".
        SET PATH=Z:\WIM\

        :: BurnInTest (BIT) Command Line Options. See BIT user guide for all available options.
        :: -c [configfilename]
        :: Loads the configuration file specified by [configfilename]
        :: test.bitcfg specifies an optional configuration file placed in the "Install to USB Disk" folder
        :: -h
        :: Set the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 with 32 bit color on startup.
        :: -r
        :: Executes the test immediately without needing to press the go button. It also skips the pre-test warning message.
        :: -x
        :: Skip the DirectX version checks at startup time. This can be useful for users that do not want to install the latest
        :: version of DirectX and do not want to use the DirectX tests (eg. 3D tests).

        "x:\Program Files\burnintest\bit.exe" -h -x -r
        GOTO end

        @net use z: \\\ARCHIVIO /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        @net use y: \\\wds /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        :: A directory called "WIM" as a sub-directory of "ARCHIVIO".
        SET PATH=Z:\WIM\

        :: BurnInTest (BIT) Command Line Options. See BIT user guide for all available options.
        :: -c [configfilename]
        :: Loads the configuration file specified by [configfilename]
        :: test.bitcfg specifies an optional configuration file placed in the "Install to USB Disk" folder
        :: -h
        :: Set the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 with 32 bit color on startup.
        :: -r
        :: Executes the test immediately without needing to press the go button. It also skips the pre-test warning message.
        :: -x
        :: Skip the DirectX version checks at startup time. This can be useful for users that do not want to install the latest
        :: version of DirectX and do not want to use the DirectX tests (eg. 3D tests).

        "x:\Program Files\burnintest\bit.exe" -h -x -r
        GOTO end

        Echo off
        @net use z: \\\ARCHIVIO /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        @net use y: \\\wds /user:Administrator P@OL0 >NUL 2>NUL
        :: A directory called "WIM" as a sub-directory of "ARCHIVIO".
        SET PATH=Z:\WIM\

        try it and say


        • #5
          Same out come. Keeps saying it doesn't have the right permissions. I've set up a separate user to see if it was some oddity, same out come.


          • #6
            I figured out the issue. I was still trying to pass the logs, in burnintest, as \\\Logs\. When I saw this, I changed it to z:\Logs\ and the pop-up message no longer pops up. So thank you for the help.

            I'm still trying to figure out how to differentiate the log files to make them easily searchable on the server for record keeping purposes. I need to be able to recall a machine I tested and pull up the logs without too much hassle. Currently %REPORTSERIAL% doesn't work and almost all machines using %COMPUTERNAME% are named the same thing. I have it right now just using the time stamp to differentiate but it's a pain to match the serial numbers up once in the report. Any help will be appreciated.



            • #7
              A serial number needs to be entered first, either via the report information dialog or by setting a windows environment variable name REPORTSERIAL before BurnInTest is loaded for this variable to contain something.

