Currently some V2 TPMs may fail to run the self test in BurnInTest, this in some part was due to BurnInTest not correctly identifying the V2 TPM and this has been fixed in the next build of BurnInTest (V9.0 build 1012). There will also be a new error message in this BurnInTest build, "Self test command blocked" as in several cases we have seen the operating system is blocking access to the TPM self test command.
There is a Microsoft article on how to manage the TPM commands which lists how to re-enable disabled commands, however this no longer is accurate, the group policy settings seem to be ignored and the TPM MMC no longer lists the available and disabled commands, nor allows them to be changed.
Currently we don't know of a workaround to re-enable the commands, possible there are also BIOS settings preventing the commands being run.
There is a Microsoft article on how to manage the TPM commands which lists how to re-enable disabled commands, however this no longer is accurate, the group policy settings seem to be ignored and the TPM MMC no longer lists the available and disabled commands, nor allows them to be changed.
Currently we don't know of a workaround to re-enable the commands, possible there are also BIOS settings preventing the commands being run.