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USB loopback plug test fail

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  • USB loopback plug test fail

    If we test with 7 USB loopback plugs(4 for 2.0, 3 for 3.0) and 3 com ports (USB to Com port), it will pass. If we test with 7 USB loopback plugs(4 for 2.0, 3 for 3.0) and 4 com ports (USB to Com port), USB loopback plug will fail with USB driver report send error. Since the USB to Com has bulk and interrupt, does this affect the USB test fail?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	579427494.734186.jpg
Views:	705
Size:	85.2 KB
ID:	44570


  • #2
    What are the specs for the machine? Maybe it is overloaded.


    • #3
      USB to Com port's spec? The system is win10x64. Does the USB loopback plug have a bandwidth limit?



      • #4
        System specs.

        There is no bandwidth limit in our loop-back plugs. They can run at full 3.0 speeds. Doesn't mean your PC and USB host controller device driver can however.


        • #5
          Click image for larger version

Name:	33.png
Views:	648
Size:	275.4 KB
ID:	44577 Click image for larger version

Name:	44.png
Views:	566
Size:	206.1 KB
ID:	44578 Click image for larger version

Name:	11.png
Views:	678
Size:	334.5 KB
ID:	44579

          This is hub's information. Only attach at Figure 2 hub will fail.

          Attached Files


          • #6
            You didn't include the system specs, but I assume it is a really low end system.
            I suggest you do the same test with 11 USB devices on a higher powered desktop machine. We suspect it will work fine. In which case that will point to it being a load issue in your hardware or device driver.

