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Data validation on serial port

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  • Data validation on serial port


    I'm using BurnInTest Pro 9.0. I'm using it to test a CDC connection with an embedded device. We generally see the first Critical error. Can you give me some insight on what that means. For the mismatch error, we'd like to validate the data on the embedded device to see where the corruption is occurring. Can I control the data that BurnInTest sends out? When I look at the buffers on the embedded device, the data looks rather random. So I'd like to be able to control what is sent or understand what is sent, so I can validate it on the embedded device.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	capture.png
Views:	419
Size:	201.4 KB
ID:	44691
    Here's my configuration
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture1.PNG
Views:	669
Size:	71.7 KB
ID:	44692


  • #2
    The "error while receiving from com port" indicates that the amount of data read read didn't match what was sent (it read less than the 100 bytes expected).

    You can't control what pattern BurnInTest send out and it is psuedo random, though each packet number should send the same data (ie each time you start the test packet no. 1 will contain the same randomly generated data).

    If you enabled activity trace level 2 in the logging preferences then the trace log will contain the data block sent and the data block received when an error occurs.

