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Burnin Test Management Console for php7 (mysqli)

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  • Burnin Test Management Console for php7 (mysqli)

    We purchased BurnInTest Management Console v7.1.1001 some time ago and I need to get it up and running again.
    Is there a newer version that's been updated to use the mysqli database calls in PHP 7. And if so, how can I get it ?
    Also, fyi were currently using BurinTest 8.1 and will be upgrading to 9 shortly.

    -Dan Baer

  • #2
    The BurnInTest Management Console was updated and re-branded to just "Management Console" as it now supports BurnInTest and MemTest86. The updated version uses the mysqli API.

    To download an updated version you would need to log in to your PassMark user account ( this will have been created with the email address used for the original order. If your support period has expired then you would need to purchase 12 months of sup[port in order to download the updated management console.


    • #3
      Thanks Tim,
      After updating our company profile and purchasing the latest I was able to download and install the Management Console and the latest Burnin Test.
      I am running into issues though. While a test is ongoing I can see the current status is running, which is encouraging. However, when I navigate to
      any of the other pages its as if the machine never existed (Machine ID is blank)
      I have done a couple of runs with my test machine and looked at the database tables.
      The configuration table remains empty. The other look like their being populated

      Any clues ?


      • #4
        Is the machine ID displayed correctly when shown on the "online clients" page?
        If you click the ID does it take you to the details of the currently running tests?

        There may be a "ManagementConsole-errors.log" file created where the management console is installed, could you please email us this log file.


        • #5
          On the summary tab, Under Live BurninTest Status it does show the currently running machine and the machine id looks good.
          Clicking on the Machine ID link brings up an empty table
          > Status OFFILNE
          > The Pulldown mext to select for machine ID is not populated

          I emailed the ManagementConsole-errors.log file s requested


          • #6
            Click image for larger version

Name:	live status.png
Views:	510
Size:	32.6 KB
ID:	45811


            • #7
              Click image for larger version

Name:	system details.png
Views:	499
Size:	9.8 KB
ID:	45813


              • #8
                It turns out this was caused by changes in MySQL 5.7 and an update to the management console is required to work with these changes.

                This update will be available in version 1.0.1006 of the management console.
                Last edited by Tim (PassMark); Nov-14-2019, 02:58 AM.

