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Burn in test with i210 Giagabit Network Connection in Ver.9.0&8.1

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  • Burn in test with i210 Giagabit Network Connection in Ver.9.0&8.1

    We test Ethernet in Ver 9.0 &8.1
    We use two system for communication
    But at Ver.9.0 We have Error : Error Sending packet. Check destination
    and Error: Timeout waiting for packet
    in 6Hrs test
    And at Ver8.1 We Burn in 95Hrs no error ,Use the same settings including loading and speed
    Regarding the network part, is there any difference between 8.1 and 9.0?


  • #2
    You can find a list of changes to BurnInTest here,

    Are you only running the network test? (if not, I suggest you try with just the network test . This is in case one of the other components, such as the 3D test, is leaking RAM over time)
    What test options are you using for the network test?
    Does the error always happen after 6 hours, or is it random?


    • #3
      I running the network test only.
      Error is random happen in 6hours at loading 100% in Ver9.0
      If it happens within six hours
      no problem at loadind 99% in Ver9.0
      also no problem at loading 100% in Ver8.1
      Because reducing loading and changing versions can let it pass
      So we want to confirm that in this case (only Ver 9.0 100% lading error occurred)
      Can we determine the network functions of this board are available?


      • #4
        What test options are you using for the network test? (in the preferences window)


        • #5
          Click image for larger version

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ID:	46108
          Attached Files


          • #6
            And is the same machine that is running BurnInTest (I hope not, as that would be a rubbish test) or an external machine on the same network?

            You are using the Standard Network test, which is basically an enhanced Ping test (with an extra data packet). Running it at 100% mean it sends a huge number of pings per second (e.g. 500 per second). Ping uses the ICMP protocol, which doesn't guarantee delivery (unlike TCP/IP). So loosing a few packets over 6 hours isn't that bad. i.e. a few errors doesn't indicate a hardware failure.

