115200, 8 com ports and get the error message "No operations reported in timeout period".
in 1 hour.
9600, 8 com ports and get the error message "No operations reported in timeout period".
in 16 hours.
BTW, as running the third party com port test tool (PCommpro by Moxa) with 115200 8 com ports and it's no problem over 48 hours.
I run BIT V7.1 and use the microsoft standard serial communication driver.
in 1 hour.
9600, 8 com ports and get the error message "No operations reported in timeout period".
in 16 hours.
BTW, as running the third party com port test tool (PCommpro by Moxa) with 115200 8 com ports and it's no problem over 48 hours.
I run BIT V7.1 and use the microsoft standard serial communication driver.