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3D Graphics DX12 error

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  • 3D Graphics DX12 error

    We recently cleansweep upgraded everything in our burn in test suite.
    - Updated BurnInTest software version
    - Updated Windows 10 image to 20H2
    - Updated NVIDIA & AMD drivers
    - Updated all motherboard / chipset drivers and BIOS flash files.

    Normally that'd be a great thing to do, but I fear it has caused an issue that in hindsight makes it difficult to pinpoint what is the cause of this error.

    We are getting the following error across all NVIDIA PCs where 3D DX12 logs a single error, sometimes 2x
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Annotation 2021-04-12 073121.png
Views:	451
Size:	35.0 KB
ID:	50466
    Same error number.
    Note that it is happening to many machines of all sorts of configurations (Intel, AMD, different chipsets, motherboards, peripheral devices etc)

    I've even tried setting the duty cycles lower than we normally would, but we still get the error
    Click image for larger version

Name:	646a0eae-4e6b-4981-b62f-520d026ef7f4.jpeg?v=90ced5ce685ef15a43053a78c3501a8f.jpg
Views:	450
Size:	39.5 KB
ID:	50465

    Any ideas please?

  • #2
    The error code 0x887a0005 is a DirectX erorr and corresponds to DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, this would normally indicate that the display driver is crashing, which seems to be the case as the 2D test is displaying a similar error with "Surface lost".

    Have you tried downgrading the Nvidia driver to the previous version (assuming it was running without any issues previously)?

    We have seem similar stuff from time to time over the last 10 years. But it is always device driver faults (or device driver faults brought on by low free RAM situations).


    • #3
      ok I'll give it a go. I just thought I'd check if there are any known issues atm.


      • #4
        Could also try running it without the RAM test active.

