My serial device is /dev/ttyTHS0
This is my setting in the cmdline_config.txt file for serial ports:
## Serial Port - Have a <Test> section for each device to test
## Device to test - ttys0, ttys1 etc to ttys63
Device ttyTHS0
## Test Mode - Loopback or Detect
TestMode Loopback
## Disable RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR
DisableRTS DisableCTS DisableDSR DisableDTR
## Send and receive timeout, 100-30000 ms
SendReceive 3500
## Baud rate - 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200,
## Cycle to 115200 (Cycle115), 230400, Cycle to 230400 (Cycle230), 460800,921600
BaudRate 115200
But I keep getting "error while receiving fr" error.
I've tried checking the port with minicom and it's able to loopback just fine.
How should I change my setting?
My serial device is /dev/ttyTHS0
This is my setting in the cmdline_config.txt file for serial ports:
## Serial Port - Have a <Test> section for each device to test
## Device to test - ttys0, ttys1 etc to ttys63
Device ttyTHS0
## Test Mode - Loopback or Detect
TestMode Loopback
## Disable RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR
DisableRTS DisableCTS DisableDSR DisableDTR
## Send and receive timeout, 100-30000 ms
SendReceive 3500
## Baud rate - 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200,
## Cycle to 115200 (Cycle115), 230400, Cycle to 230400 (Cycle230), 460800,921600
BaudRate 115200
But I keep getting "error while receiving fr" error.
I've tried checking the port with minicom and it's able to loopback just fine.
How should I change my setting?