Hi guys, BIT8.1 version 1008 allowed me to see the S/N of the drives I was testing on thefirst tab named “System Information”, even if I had more than 50 I could seethe serial numbers, but it was just letting me test 50 drives at a time. After fixing a minor bug and releasing version 1009, I can now test more than 50drives and the second tab named “Burn In Results” will nicely show more than 50 drives being tested. The problem is that now the first tab can’t see the S/N anymore,it said N/A. Could you please polish it out so those two goodies are together?Thanks
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S/N in BIT
We haven't released the 1009 build publicly yet as the change required to enable more than 50 raw drives for testing requires changes to a few internal structures which could affect other disk related display (like the serial numbers) so we felt it warranted more testing.
That said, we don't see the same behavior on our test system. Could you please launch BurnInTest in debug mode (using the command line parameter -u) and send us a copy of the Debug.log and Debug.trace files.
See the attached pics of the first tab shown in both versions, one has the S/N and the other one instead said N/A. One is the "good" BIT version 1008 with the serial numbers but just 50 units. The other set is the "bad" BIT version 1009b that can run more than 50 units but does not show the serial number. I have the debug files that you told me to get but i dont find the way to attach it here... I did attached them to an email sent to help@passmark.com , let me know if you got it. Thanks again for your help.
Last edited by calvarez; Aug-25-2015, 06:53 PM.
Hi Tim, version 1009 fixed all the problems we had until today. Thanks for it.
Now, we are always changing back and forth between 2 different kind of drives. Check the attached picsand notice that one line of drives reports properly the serial numbers (TTHM)and the other line(TSDXP) does not. It switched the order of the numbers. Using a couple of different tools, we determine that the actual drives have the right S/N on it, so they should properly show up in BIT. Can you fix this problem? Thanks
Last edited by calvarez; Sep-09-2015, 05:11 PM.
This looks like an issue with how the serial numbers are being returned by the WMI system in Windows, as generally when the serial number is returned they are out of order and each byte pair is swapped before display. In this case it looks like 2 of the disk serials are as expected but for some reason the other 3 aren't.
Could you please run BurnInTest in debug mode and send us the debug.trace log from this system.
I sent an email with the traces, BTW today i found another minor detail: I pushed more than 60 boards through BIT; it stopped "seeing" the serial numbers after 63 drives were on the system. I also sent to you in the email a capture and the Log for this issue. It is interesting because when you push 78/80 drives, the 15 that it does not see the S/N appeared usually together, but not always. Sometimes i had 8 together and then the rest of it and like that. Thanks