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BurnIn Test v10.2 build 1006 - HARDWARE SOLUTIONS SR​L

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  • BurnIn Test v10.2 build 1006 - HARDWARE SOLUTIONS SR​L

    BurnIn Test v10.2 build 1006
    probably there is a bug when you import the old build 10x [100x builds] configs files in this version.
    When you start one test, one message reporting that "no com ports are selected" when instead they are present and setted correctly.
    We have a regular licence for your software. Company is HARDWARE SOLUTIONS SR​L.

    Also the LPT test does not work anymore.
    The one and only version that works fine with the LPT ports are the 8.1 builds.

    Please, correct the config bug ASAP.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Can you send us your config files for us to have a look/test with? We were able to import older v10 configs to the latest build ok.
    Else it shouldn't be to difficult to update the config file with the missing ports.

    As for the Parallel test, what was the error? Can you try running BIT in debug mode and send us the logs?


    • #3
      Hi Simon.
      please, download one config file from this site:

      The import goes fine but when you try to start the test, this test fail with the "missing com ports"

      please, double check.

      For the com ports, when I have another PC with the LPT port, I' test it again.


      • #4
        I imported your config file to the latest build of BurnInTest and was able to test serial ports fine, and preferences look ok:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	459
Size:	34.4 KB
ID:	55028

        >this test fail with the "missing com ports"
        Can you provide the exact error message.

        You might want to also check that you are testing the correct COM ports in Device Manager:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	340
Size:	29.6 KB
ID:	55029


        • #5
          Hi Simon, off course. We test at least 500 pc’s months and these config files are alwats the same for every build. We have only upgraded from buld 1005 to 1006. We test a lot of different hw configurations. The ports are presents. Build 1006 import the config files without errors but during tests show always the error of above. 1005 and lower wokiks fine. Also in the past Passmark has solved the same error with one of the 10.1 build. I’am non remembar what is. Please, release a fix soon or force a script that set the com ports right before the test start. We have in test this build over many pc’s with different OS: from Windows 7 to Windows 11 IoT. Same result always. Different Intel chipsets from 5 to 13th gen,
          I know it’s not easy but is true,
          Please, can you share again the 1005 build? We have lost the setup file. We need to downgrade all your OS image this week, otherwise we are not able to create a report for any of our PC before shipping.

          Thanks in advance

          PS: we use your software from the v5 so we know how it’s works
          we are not novices


          • #6
            at least 500 pc’s months
            I just looked up your licenses.

            You purchased 1 license in 2021 and you are testing >500 machines a month in half a dozen different countries?
            No ongoing tech support was paid either. So that expired in 2022.

            So you'll need correct the licensing situation before we provide any additional assistance. Sorry.


            • #7
              Good morning,

              Your software is necessary only to test some components on mainboards that come from many vendors before we put them in mass production. I have already specified this point before. When ASROCK, GIGABYTE, COMMELL, ADVANTECH, send us new mainboards in test, we stress test these sample boards before decide if they are valid or not.
              I have specified 500 PC because your colleague think we are novices.
              We know if comm ports are installed or not.
              Our PC's are shipped without OS. Zero time.
              We assemble, check fans and put these into a climatic chamber for 13h at 50C.
              If they are alive, we ship them.
              This months all the brands of above have released new industrial mainboards that support 12/13 intel gen so we only want to be sure that these samples are fine.
              And please, before claiming in public that we are thieves, write us an email or make a phone call first.
              maybe we also have another company name!!!
              Last edited by fxart; May-13-2023, 05:14 AM.


              • #8
                Click image for larger version

Name:	pirate.jpg
Views:	381
Size:	63.3 KB
ID:	55064


                • #9
                  There was one more abusive rant that was posted, but we deleted it.

                  So if you are planning on doing any work with the company, HARDWARE SOLUTIONS SR​L, in Italy, consider who you are doing business with.

                  They seem happy to pirate software and then abuse the developer when asked to correct the situation. Very likely this lack of ethics and abusive attitude extends to all of the their business.

                  We'll never do business with them again.


                  • #10
                    Dear David, I have already tell you that I work for Hardware Solution as external consultant.

                    Hardware Solution has brought two licences in the past: one for the 8.1 version and another one for the 10. I don't know why you think we use pirate software but it's a your problem.

                    We have simply ask you to fix a simple bug importing configs data but you pretend that we buy others licences. WHY? Tell me a number. 1, 20. 5000????
                    Please, leave Hardware Solution out of this diatribe.
                    I'am only a technician and until now they ask me to use your software. I have already tell them that you want others money!

                    And if you wan't help us anymore, delete this post and everyones are happy.
                    You have put banner agains us like we are criminal.

                    DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
                    I'am not the boss!

                    If you wanna continue to continue with this diatribe, you can simply delete my account.
                    Hardware Solution doesn't even know that I asked you for help.
                    I have already sent you a private message to delete this account.
                    If you don't like me it's not necessary to continue in this manner.​

                    Please, accept my excuses.
                    I don't write anymore.
                    I Have only asked your help thinking to make yo a pleasure finding bugs during using.
                    Last edited by fxart; May-21-2023, 09:49 AM.


                    • #11
                      There was a single license key purchased for V10.

                      A summary of the license conditions can be found here.

                      We know the license key was distributed worldwide and activated in more than a dozen countries, including Italy, US, Denmark, England, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Romania, etc, etc..

                      So we again ask for the licensing situation to be corrected, to reflect the actual usage.
                      If you don't want to do that, we don't mind, but don't use the software, and don't expect any type of technical support.

                      If you are not "the boss", then maybe make the boss aware of the situation, we can have a chat and sort it out.

