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BurnInTest Network Test - Network card IP address dropdown selection does not persist

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  • BurnInTest Network Test - Network card IP address dropdown selection does not persist


    I recently purchased a license for BurnInTest. I am trying to do a network test. In the options for the test I selected "Advanced Network Test" and then in the "Advanced test options" dialog, I am having an issue in which my selection for the "Network card IP address" dropdown isn't saving. I can select an option, but once I click "OK" then go back to the "Advanced test options" dialog, the selection has gone back to the first option in the dropdown. All other options in this dialog are persisting except for this dropdown. However, I have noticed that at least some of the options are tied to the dropdown selection, such as "Test On" and "Target NIC load", as you will see in the screenshots below.

    Before clicking "OK" (I have selected the third item in the dropdown):
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	354
Size:	46.1 KB
ID:	55496

    After clicking "OK" and return back to the "Advanced test options" dialog:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	326
Size:	47.1 KB
ID:	55497

    As you can see, I am not able to change the Network card IP address.
    I have already tried:
    • Creating a new test configuration from scratch rather than using an existing configuration
    • Restarting the application
    • Uninstalling and reinstalling the application
    • Restarting my computer
    ​Relevant information:
    Software version: 10.2 (1007)
    Operating system version: Windows 11 version 10.0.22621
    Purchased license or trial license: Purchased license

  • #2
    Unless I'm misinterpreting, the behavior is normal. The "Test on" checkbox allow you to select multiple adapters to run the Advanced Network Test at the same time. The Test Settings is per card.

    Per the help file/documention:

    Select network card(s) to test

    Test mode

    This drop down selection sets the test mode to be one of the following options:

    •Select Network card IP addresses: Individually specify each Network card to be tested. The test settings can be specified per Network card. This is the BurnInTest v7.x test mode.

    •Test available IPv4 network ports: At the start of the test, BurnInTest will determine all of the available IPv4 network ports and set up a test for each Network port. The test settings are the same for all Network cards that are tested.

    •Test available IPv4 ethernet ports: As above, but test available IPv4 enabled ethernet ports only.

    •Test available IPv4 802.11 ports: As above, but test available IPv4 enabled 802.11 ports only.

    •Test available IPv6 network ports: As above, but test available IPv6 enabled network ports only.

    •Test available IPv6 ethernet ports: As above, but test available IPv6 enabled ethernet ports only.

    •Test available IPv6 802.11 ports: As above, but test available IPv6 enabled 802.11 ports only.

    Note: selecting a Test mode to automatically detect the Network cards has the advantage that when testing across many systems with different network cards or IP addresses, the same BurnInTest configuration can be used. The downside is that if BurnInTest is unable to detect a network card (for example, the network card device driver failed to load), then there won't be an attempt to test the faulty card, and hence no error will be raised (unless there are no cards detected).

    Network card IP address

    This list will show the IP of up to 20 network cards that are installed on the system and plugged in. The values in the fields below are saved for each network card and can be different for each card.

    IPv4 and IPv6 (on Vista and later) NICs will be displayed in the drop down Note: BurnInTest and the Endpoints must support IPv4.

    Test On/Off

    Check this box the enable testing for the selected IP of a network card.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Richard (PassMark) View Post
      Unless I'm misinterpreting, the behavior is normal. The "Test on" checkbox allow you to select multiple adapters to run the Advanced Network Test at the same time. The Test Settings is per card.

      Per the help file/documention:
      This makes sense. I suppose this isn't unintended behavior then. I think that I just became confused because I was conflating having an IP selected with running the test with that IP. But if multiple IP's are selected, the program won't be able to show both. Thank you for the clarification.

