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BurnInTest Linux USB 3.0 test cycle definition and 'stop after X cycles'

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  • BurnInTest Linux USB 3.0 test cycle definition and 'stop after X cycles'


    We're having two questions/issues.

    1. We're running BurnInTest V5 Linux (1006) 64-bit and on some computers the USB 3.0 loopback tests are taking very long to finish a cycle. According to the manual the definition of one cycle is "USB 3.0 loopback plug: 1,000,000 data blocks (1 MB)". I'm not sure how accurate this is because at the moment I have a test running for 1 hour that has done 219 Billion operations, 107,116,160 KB sent and received which would be about 107 GB if I understand it correctly, but it reports 14 cycles.Click image for larger version

Name:	burninusbtest.png
Views:	162
Size:	82.0 KB
ID:	56794

    2. The other issue is that even if I set the test to stop after 0 minutes and 2 cycles, the test still goes on even after 2 cycles and never seems to stop.

    Kind regards, Linus

  • #2
    Looking in the source code, it seems to be more like 7,360,000 blocks x 1KB = ~7GB
    Which does seem to correspond with what you are seeing.

    We were able to reproduce this, below build should address this:


    • #3
      Thank you for your quick response.

      Thanks for clarifying the cycle definition.

      Awesome! I guess this fix will be implemented in a future official update as well?

      Kind regards, Linus


      • #4
        Yes, we'll include it in the next public patch release.

