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CPU Test Results - temperature threshold exceeded

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  • CPU Test Results - temperature threshold exceeded

    Can anyone provide more insight\information on these results?
    Just running the CPU test of BurnInTest - Temperature test failed, while CPU test passed.
    This is on a laptop - and while im going to put on some new thermal paste on CPU & rerun, would these results indicate an issue with the sensors in the CPU (and that its not thermal throttling correctly)?Click image for larger version

Name:	BurnInTestRes.png
Views:	697
Size:	115.3 KB
ID:	56910

  • #2
    CPU was rather hot.

    Depending on the model of the CPU, this might be acceptable, or not.

    In my opinion 90C is too hot, but some recent CPUs claim they can be reliable at 95C or even 100C for long periods. I've got some doubts.

    You can adjust the Temperature threshold in the Preference window if you want to avoid the errors at 90C.


    • #3
      Originally posted by David (PassMark) View Post
      CPU was rather hot.

      Depending on the model of the CPU, this might be acceptable, or not.

      In my opinion 90C is too hot, but some recent CPUs claim they can be reliable at 95C or even 100C for long periods. I've got some doubts.

      You can adjust the Temperature threshold in the Preference window if you want to avoid the errors at 90C.
      Thanks David - and your right about your thoughts on Temp;
      This was a HP laptop which would randomly BSOD with "WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR" (which typically strongly points to hardware issue from my understanding).
      In testing with BurnInTest, trying to do a 2D or 3D Gfx test would trigger a BSOD, CPU test showed high temps would be fine & other tests (run individually) would be fine.
      So i replaced the themalpaste (just doing that lowered the temp by about 8c), changed in BIOS to fan always enabled​ & changed CPU max power in Win power settings to 98%

      Now the CPU temp doesn't get above 60c (averages around 55c) & running a 2D or 3D Gfx test wont trigger a BSOD.
      So my conclusion is, HP have crap firmware, thermal throttling doesn't kick in till really high temps (maybe above 100c ?) - but the Intel Iris GPU within this 11th Gen Core i5 can't deal with those high temps.
      So now i can run the 24hr test (running every test) for 4hr duration and it wont BSOD.


      • #4
        HP have crap firmware
        And thermal paste....

