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Network test alarm. Error ratio exceeded when run burn in test v9.2

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  • Network test alarm. Error ratio exceeded when run burn in test v9.2

    Hi BurnIn Test partners,

    We use Burn in test 9.2 run CPU/ RAM / DISK / Network / 2D / 3D / serial port / USB plug, all set loading as 100%,
    Network part we use two on board Realtek 8111H LAN port bidirectional transmission, sometimes we will see Network error and show "Network test alarm. Error ratio exceeded."
    And we try reduce CPU loading to 60% also can see same error message, But when only test LAN it can pass over 145hr.

    Can you please let us know what reason cause this error?

    Below information for your reference,
    The platform we use is Alder Lake N x7245e.

    1. All loading is in 100%, fail at network.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	198
Size:	2.48 MB
ID:	57011

    2. Reduce CPU loading to 60%, still fail.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	167
Size:	1.21 MB
ID:	57013
    ​3.Network test only, can pass over 145hr ​
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	162
Size:	1.45 MB
ID:	57012

  • #2
    See the following page about configuring the duty cycle, BurnInTest Duty Cycle Settings (

    You can try turning on trace level 2 logging, there may be additional information in the log file.

    In any case, you are using BurnInTest V9, which is no longer being supported. There have been quite a few changes since the build you are using. ​Upgrade to the current version of software for further support.

