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MAC-Address on newest BIT Build ( 1011)

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  • David (PassMark)
    The signature "corrupt or invalid" message should be resolved now.

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    No, there isn't a way to customise which information is displayed in the system information.

    We can't see why there should be an issue with the IP addresses for network cards being reported as they would (nearly always) be one of the private network IPs reserved for such use (eg 10.X.X.X, 172.16.X.X, 192.168.X.X etc).

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  • Ensi Ferrum
    I just downloaded Build 1012. First I get the "The signature of bitpro.exe is corrupt or invalid" message, as described in another thread ( We are using Windows 7 Professional.
    The MAC-Addresses are back, which is good. But is there a way to get rid of the IP-Addresses?
    I don't want and I am not allowed to give our customers any IP-Address from our Company!
    Maybe you can make it optional?
    btw, could you make something like an certificate Editor with choices what will be on the certificate and what not?

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  • Tim (PassMark)
    No there isn't a way to re-add it in the current public release, it will be fixed in the next public release due out very soon.

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  • Ensi Ferrum
    started a topic MAC-Address on newest BIT Build ( 1011)

    MAC-Address on newest BIT Build ( 1011)

    Why is there no more MAC-Address on the Certificates nor on the system summary?
    It's nice to have the IP-Address displayed now. But in our test-Scenario absolutely nonsense!
    Is there some hidden, undocumented switch to get the MAC-Address back, or do we need to downgrade till this Problem is solved in a future Version?