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BurnIn Test - No GPUs Found for Testing

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  • BurnIn Test - No GPUs Found for Testing


    I am trying to run BurnIn Test on Qualcomm SoC QCS6490 with Microsoft OS Windows 11 but getting issues as mentioned below -
    1. ARM Version of BurnIn Test - Able to install but throwing an error while running as
      bit.exe application error – the application was unable to start correctly
    2. x86 Version of BunIn Test - Able to install and execute but 2D Graphics Test shows an error
      No GPUs found for testing
    Could you please help with these issues?

    Appreciate your inputs.


  • #2
    Attaching the BurnIn Test Errors with ARM and x86 Versions
    Attached Files


    • #3
      For this SoC QCS6490 system are you running 32bit or 64bit windows?
      The error you got, "the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b", might mean you are trying to run our 64bit code on your 32bit operating system.

      The the other problem with no GPUs when running x86 emulation, I assume this is because the x86 to ARM emulation is incomplete and doesn't include DirectX support on this system?

      Note: We don't think it makes sense to ever use 32bit Windows anymore. Even on very low end systems.


      • #4
        Hello David

        Thank you so much for your response.

        We are using 64Bit Windows and the SoC is also 64 Bit ARM ARCH.

        We are not at all using 32 Bit Windows.

        Please find attached OS and System configurations.

        Attached Files


        • #5
          Is this a full version of Windows 11.
          Of maybe Windows for IoT / Embedded?


          • #6
            Hello David (PassMark)

            Its a full version of Windows 11 OS but meant for IOT / Embedded Devices.

            I did check with Microsoft for any difference between Windows 11 OS - Home / Pro / IOT Editions and they mentioned none.



            • #7
              Very likely there are missing components in the operating system. Windows Embedded is very configurable and it is easy to end up with a O/S which is something less than a full version of Windows (that is kind of the point of having a special lighter version after all).

              Is going to be hard to debug as we don't have your hardware, nor are we likely to be able to match your Windows Embedded setup.

              Can you try running Dependency walker on this machine and then loading the bit.exe. It you are lucky it will tell you which component (DLL) is missing or the wrong version.

              Also what is the exact size in bytes for your copy of bit.exe (just to confirm you are in fact running the latest ARM version).


              • #8
                Hello David (PassMark)

                I was checking the issue with Microsoft, could not reply.
                1. I checked with Microsoft on the missing dependencies from OS perspective and Microsoft confirmed that all MSFT OSs has similar configuration(DirectXL is enabled for MSFT Windows 11 IOT OS).
                2. I created Installer with Microsoft Windows 11 Home OS and tried running the BurnIn Test ARM Version - I could not launch the application, same Bit Exe error.
                3. #2 means that BurnIn Test ARM Version might have the issue?
                4. Attached is the Screenshot of the BurnIn Test Application Size.
                5. I tried running the Dependency Walker, and it show red mark against comctl32.dll (But this dll is present and loaded). Attached the screenshot for more information. I see the same red mark against comctl32.dll with x86 version of BurnIn Test.
                Is it possible that BurnIn Test does not have support of Qualcomm's QCS6490 SoC and GPU?

                Is the ARM Version of BurnIn Test has been validated on any other ARM Platform with Windows OS?

                David (PassMark), Can we work together and fix the issue, as BurnIn Test is used by many companies as a Standard Benchmark.

                Appreciate your inputs / support.



                • #9
                  Hello David (PassMark)

                  Today, I was able to get the ARM Version of BurnIn Test on Qualcomm SoC QCS6490 (ARM64). I was able to launch successfully and able to run few tests.

                  But when I ran "2D Graphics Test" --> It shows the same error "No GPUs found for testing". So I believe the BurnIn Test does not have support for Qualcomm SoC QCS6490.

                  I captured the logs by passing "-u" application.

                  Please find attached logs.

                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    The iteration of the display devices on this machine didn't find any video card / display that could do DirectX.

                    Instead a driver called "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" was loaded.

                    This was the log
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	118
Size:	23.3 KB
ID:	58221

                    I think this Remote Display Adapter is used when you don't have a monitor connected via a normal HDMI cable and instead have some type of wireless connection to a remote monitor?


                    • #11
                      Hello David (PassMark)

                      I have the External Display Over HDMI connected, I ran the test again(BurnIn Test Version).

                      Here is the attached Logs, Trace files.

                      LOG NOTE: 2024-12-17 11:03:03, Status, Main tests started
                      LOG NOTE: 2024-12-17 11:03:04, 2D Graphics, Starting 2D Graphics test
                      LOG NOTE: 2024-12-17 11:03:04, 2D Graphics, Start 2D GPU Memory test
                      LOG NOTE: 2024-12-17 11:03:04, 2D Graphics, GetNumberCLGPUs - clGetPlatformIDs failed [-1001].
                      LOG NOTE: 2024-12-17 11:03:04, 2D Graphics, GetNumberCLGPUs - clGetPlatformIDs failed [-1001].
                      SERIOUS: 2024-12-17 11:03:04, 2D Graphics, No GPUs found for testing​

                      I think the app does not have support for the Qualcomm SoC - QCS6490 GPU.

                      Could you please check?

                      Does the 2D Graphics Test uses DirectX or OpenCL APIs?

                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Yes the 2D and 3D tests use both DirectX and OpenCL.

                        I think the app does not have support for the Qualcomm SoC - QCS6490 GPU.
                        I think it is the contrary. Our app uses standard API's for graphics and compute. It is Qualcomm that doesn't have support for standard APIs.
                        This is pretty well documented. Many 3D games don't work on Windows ARM platforms (and that is for the full desktop chips, the SoC have even more issues as they haven't put the effort into providing working video card drivers for anything but the very basic video output).


                        • #13
                          Hello David (PassMark)

                          I was able to Run / Execute "Passmark - 2D Graphics Mark" Test successfully on Qualcomm SoC QCS6490. So Passmark - 2D Graphics Test does not use DirectX / OpenCL?

                          BurnIn Test failed because it uses DirectX / OpenCL?

                          Could you please help to clarify.



                          • #14
                            2D has various different options, see the preferences window. Some use DirectX.


                            • #15

                              Hello sir,​
                              Originally posted by vijay View Post
                              Today, I was able to get the ARM Version of BurnIn Test on Qualcomm SoC QCS6490 (ARM64). I was able to launch successfully and able to run few tests.
                              Could you kindly hint how you eventually run burnintest windows arm version here? I think we're facing similar issue here.


