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Only run 2D occupies system DGPU VRAM resource more than 80 % on Hybird graphic.

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  • Only run 2D occupies system DGPU VRAM resource more than 80 % on Hybird graphic.

    Burn in V10.2 (1016) on I met when only selected burn in 2D item with default duty cycle 50. Found task manager >GPU Performance "Dedicated GPU memory" usage higher than 80%.
    Reproduce on Hybird garphic platform: Intel MTL/ARL/LUN platform and NVIDIA DGPU. AMD platform HPT and NVIDIA DGPU.
    Reproduce on Burn in V10 or later version. V11 also.
    CANNT Reproucde on Burn in V9 version.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	80
Size:	334.8 KB
ID:	58425

  • #2
    Duty cycle does not affect amount of GPU memory tested (it should use a large amount of available GPU memory), only how fast test is run.
    There was a change in V10 where we use OpenCL instead of DIrectDraw (which was limited to testing 4GB of video memory)


    • #3
      Hi Simon
      Does mean Burn in V10 use OpenCL that program will use DGPU graphic (Discrete) and DGPU VRAM resource when running on 2D item?
      By the way, Burn in V9 use DriectDraw that program will use Intergrated graphic (UMA) resource when running on 2D item?


      • #4
        If there are multiple GPUs, it will test them all (hence the '1 of 2' in your screenshot for both the 4060 and the integrated graphics).
        You can use the left & right arrow buttons on the 2D Graphics tile to view other GPUs being tested.


        • #5
          Hi Simon
          We found under multiple GPUs when running 2D that occupies system DGPU VRAM resource more than 80 %. Not occupies Integrated graphic VRAM.
          is it expected behavior by Burn in v10 changed by OpenCL?
          Thanks for your help.


          • #6
            By default, we test 85% of VRAM - which looks correct for your 4060 in the original post.

            But for integrated graphics, we cap test memory to ~500MB as they generally use mostly system main memory and have little (or none) dedicated VRAM.

