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Will not install - Failed to expand shell folder

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  • kmruss
    Thanks - yes, fully familiar with Bart's. Done this before - and yes it can be a bit tricky. Takes quite a bit of trial and error at times - but well worth it when you get it working.

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  • David (PassMark)
    You can install BurnInTest on a CD or USB drive and run it from there, but this on it's own doesn't mean the USB drive is bootable. (The post above didn't mention being bootable). You still need the O/S on the hard drive.

    Making a bootable Windows CD or USB drive is possible, but you need to use Bart PE. Which is a moderately complex operation. There is a BartPE document that describes the process here.

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  • kmruss
    Wow, you can run BIT from a bootable USB drive? Amazing. Course I've done Linux this way - but still, very cool.

    Is there a FAQ or HOW-TO for this somewhere?

    EDIT: I just found this in another thread that said it's under the Support section of the website. I normally see these FAQ's as 'stickys' in forums. Wasn't thinking it'd be in support. Thanks.
    Last edited by kmruss; Apr-28-2007, 08:20 AM.

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  • Ian (PassMark)
    I believe this is caused by the installer trying to write some of the installation files (like default configuration) to the User's Documents directory, but there is a conflict and this fails. Restoring the default settings for your "Documents" folder should resolve this. To do this, select your "Documents" folder in Explorer, select properties, select the “Location” tab and select "Restore Defaults".

    Here is the zip version of BurnInTest Pro (no installer) for your reference:
    Note: This is not the normal way to install BurnInTest, but rather it is normally used for creating CD/USB drive installations.

    Ian (PassMark)

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  • alkolkin
    started a topic Will not install - Failed to expand shell folder

    Will not install - Failed to expand shell folder

    I downloaded both the pro and standard version to evaluate. Neither will install. When I am at the step that the installation Dialog box says it is ready to install, I get the error message:

    Internal error: Failed to expand shell folder constant "userdocs"

    The file that was downloaded was bitpro.exe; it was not a zip file. I am running as an Administrator in Vista 32 bit.

    Please help.