We believe that we have found the problem with the CD test. The problem happens when the,
- CD test is used in data mode
- A PassMark test CD is not used, but a normally data CD is used
- The data CD contains files with long file names. The longer the file name the more risk of a crash.
This is a bug in the BurnInTest software. It affects both the standard and pro editions and all versions between V3.0.1000 and V3.2.1002
We will be releasing a V3.2.1003 release that should correct this issue and the solution will also be included in the V4.0 release which is currently under development. (as at 3/Oct/2003)
In the meantime, use a data CD with short file names (<50 characters) or purchase a PassMark Test CD or make your own test CD. (see, http://www.passmark.com/products/cdmaker.htm ).
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BurnInTest 3.2 Pro Sudden Shutdown
I am having the same problem with some machines. The configuration I am running on the latest is:
P4 - 2.4 Ghz
D845GEBV2 motherboard, intel
Kingston 256 Mb
Teac Floppy
Maxtor 40 Gb hard drive
Sony 52x cd-rom
windows xp pro.
The tests stop running sooner than 15 minutes. I have the pro version of the software, and dont have a problem on other machines. Could it be Cd also?
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Have just confirmed that the abnormal shutdown is caused by the CD\DVD test. Just ran only the CD\DVD test on a machine with a single Sony CDRW and BIT terminated abnormally within 20 minutes.
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Hi David,
Further checking has found that the testing of the sound card is not involved in the problem. If I run all tests concurrently except the sound test, BIT stops unexpectedly. If I run all tests concurrently except the CD\DVD test, BIT runs continuously without problem. So it looks like the CD\DVD test might be the culprit. The machines I spoke of in my earlier posts have been returned to their owners so I no longer have the configuration files. The sound "card" in both cases was the typical onboard AC97 style chip. Both machines had 2 CD drives (1 x CDRW & 1 DVD) which were both tested concurrently. I'll see if I can duplicate the problem by running only the CD\DVD tests on another machine.
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We were not able to reproduce this problem. We were testing with a Creative sound blaster PCI128 on a Athlon machine running Windows XP Pro.
Can you send me the exact configuration that you are using with BurnInTest. (sending the LastUsed.cfg file in the BurnInTest install directory is enough).
Also as the problem seems to be related to the sound test or the CD/DVD test can you tell me what type of sound card you are using and the driver version if possible.
My E-mail address is davidw at passmark dot com.
( Replace the at with '@' and the dot with '.' )
Another question:
Do you see the problem with just the sound test running. Or do you need the sound test and the CD/DVD test running at the same time?
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Yes, we had the sudden shut down problem in early builds of version 3.1.
The problem was due to changes that we made to the license key management system in V3.1, which had introduced a couple of bugs. These were fixed before V3.2 was released.
So far this has been the only report of this problem in V3.2. We will do a few test runs on out Athlon test machine with just the sound test and CD/DVD test running to see if we can reproduce the problem. As no one else has reported this problem it might be related to a particular sound card. I'll post the results here.
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No, I have been using BurnInTest for some time, starting with Version 3.0, and know how to set it up. I have managed to get the latest version to run continuously on 3 different machines running all tests simultaneously except CD/DVD and sound. If I include these two tests then the program shuts down within 5 to 30 minutes on all 3 machines. It is not a normal program halt where the test result screen is left on display. Instead the whole program and its interface disappears. However, on inspecting processes in the task manager (XP) I can see that 10 instances of memtest.exe are still active and running and CPU usage is 100%. Improper shutdown was a known problem affecting a particular build of Version 3.1 Pro and I am now seeing a similar problem in 3.2 Pro.
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There is no known problem with BIT shutting down when it should not. When BurnInTest is initially installed, it has by default autostop set to 15 minutes. That is, after 15 minutes, all test windows will be shut down, but the main window will remain open. This can be changed in configuration, Test duty cycles, Auto stop in x minutes.
Is this what you are experiencing ?
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BurnInTest 3.2 Pro Sudden Shutdown
Just downloaded V3.2 Pro and observed that it still has the sudden shutdown problem that was evident in V3.1 - all BurnInTest windows close without warning but the memory processes (memtest.exe) continue to run. This normally happens within 20 minutes of starting the tests. Same result on several Athlon PCs running Windows XP Home & Professional. Any ideas? Is a bug fix required?Tags: None
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