Error receiving from COM port also occurrs from time to time.
How can I tell what exactly is going wrong? Is BurnInTest suited for such a connection or will the lag of the bluetooth connection (25 to 45 ms) lead to the above mentioned errors?
Below I pasted the log:
2003-09-11 16:15:28, Status, PassMark BurnInTest V3.2 Pro 1000
2003-09-11 16:15:28, Status, Test run started
2003-09-11 16:15:30, Serial, Corruption. Data received didn't match data sent
2003-09-11 16:15:44, Serial, Corruption. Data received didn't match data sent
2003-09-11 16:17:32, Serial, Corruption. Data received didn't match data sent
2003-09-11 16:17:45, Serial, Corruption. Data received didn't match data sent
2003-09-11 16:17:59, Serial, Corruption. Data received didn't match data sent
2003-09-11 16:18:12, Serial, Corruption. Data received didn't match data sent
2003-09-11 16:18:26, Serial, Corruption. Data received didn't match data sent
2003-09-11 16:21:14, Serial, Error while receiving from the COM port
2003-09-11 16:21:14, Serial, \\.\COM1 BlockSize: 100 Transfered: 76 Handle:000002C0 Total: 73000, ErrorCode: 0
2003-09-11 16:30:31, Status, Test run stopped