Do you recommends special settings in BIT ?
"Test configuration and duty cycles"
and how long do i have to run the test?
We are Systembuilders and need this test to go for shure that the computerhardware
and config runs stabil when our customers pick up thier computer.

Normally we test our computers with 2 Test (benchmarks) at the same time. We test them with 3dmark 2000-2003 and run the BIT in the background to increase the system requirements. Is that good or ist it better to run the BIT standallone?
Do you recommends special settings in BIT ?


and how long do i have to run the test?
We are Systembuilders and need this test to go for shure that the computerhardware
and config runs stabil when our customers pick up thier computer.

Normally we test our computers with 2 Test (benchmarks) at the same time. We test them with 3dmark 2000-2003 and run the BIT in the background to increase the system requirements. Is that good or ist it better to run the BIT standallone?