I've been doing some analysis with a SMART monitoring tool. When I run the tool against one of my drives it indicates that the SMART defined threshold for the internal temperature (attribute 194) is 0. Shouldn't it be something larger? According to what I've read, SMART attribute values can range from 1-253, with 1 meaning bad and 253 being the best possible value. So what does a threshold of 0 for temperature mean? The raw value usually shows something around 25-28, and the normalized value is usually around 100-125. With a threshold of 0 though, how can I tell if a drive has crossed a temperature threshold?
Likewise, how do I interpret the offline_uncorrectable attribute (# 198 )? I currently have a drive with some bad sectors on it, where smartctl shows the raw value for this attribute as 691. The threshold for this attribute is 0, and the current normalized smart value is 182. However, another drive with no bad sectors shows the raw value as 0, the threshold as 0, and the normalized value as 200.
Based on this, I would think that the threshold should be 200, meaning that anything under 200 would indicate the drive has bad sectors. If the threshold is 0, what does this mean in terms in interpreting the current value of the offline_uncorrectable attribute?
Maybe I'm missing something obvious...
Likewise, how do I interpret the offline_uncorrectable attribute (# 198 )? I currently have a drive with some bad sectors on it, where smartctl shows the raw value for this attribute as 691. The threshold for this attribute is 0, and the current normalized smart value is 182. However, another drive with no bad sectors shows the raw value as 0, the threshold as 0, and the normalized value as 200.
Based on this, I would think that the threshold should be 200, meaning that anything under 200 would indicate the drive has bad sectors. If the threshold is 0, what does this mean in terms in interpreting the current value of the offline_uncorrectable attribute?
Maybe I'm missing something obvious...