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Adding CPU to CPU list: AMD EPYC 3451

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  • Adding CPU to CPU list: AMD EPYC 3451

    Hi there,
    this is my first post...

    I am wondering about the fact that the CPU benchmark for AMD EPYC embedded 3000 series contains so few entries.
    I have found values for AMD EPYC 3201 and AMD EPYC 3251. But for the 2 die configurations (3351 and 3451) is nothing...
    I posted recently some value for the 3451, but can not find this values in the database. What's going on? Is there something missing?

  • #2
    I'm not able to locate any submissions for either EPYC processors (3351 or 3451). Did you submit your benchmark to our database after a complete run of PerformanceTest? If so, would you happen to have the baseline number?

    If not, to submit your benchmark:

    Download and install PerformanceTest.
    Start PerformanceTest then from the menu bar select "Tests->Run All Tests".
    Once the tests have run select "Baseline->Upload Baseline to Web".

    Your results will not appear in the graphs immediately as the graphs are only updated once per day. Additionally, only CPUs of which there are at least two samples are included in the graphs.


    • #3
      HI Richard,
      I run the PerfomanceTest a week ago on EPYC3451 with Debian11 (bullseye), baseline was 71130240. The generated link does not work ("Baseline 71130240 does not exist.")

      Here is a screenshot just before the upload to
      Click image for larger version

Name:	passmark-20210421-04-marks.png
Views:	1037
Size:	14.9 KB
ID:	50535

      Can I upload a second sample or is a second source necessary?


      • #4
        ...baseline was 71130240.
        The baseline number doesn't fit our scheme. Are you sure that was the correct number? Linux baselines currently start with 50######.

        Can you try testing again and uploading the baseline? Make sure to download the software directly from our website.

