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Bell Graph Showing Processor Speed In Use In The Marketplace

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  • Bell Graph Showing Processor Speed In Use In The Marketplace


    I'm wondering if PassMark has or could produce a bell graph showing processor speeds in use in the marketplace. Presumably, super slow and super fast processors are used by only a few, with the rest falling in between those extremes. It would be helpful to know how a processor's speed compares to others in use in the market. I imagine this could be produced based on the number of benchmarks submitted to PassMark and the speeds associated with those submissions.

    Alternatively, does this graph exist elsewhere?


  • #2
    Just for fun we graphed it. But,
    1) There are too many CPU models to fit in a nice graph
    2) Real life is far more messy than you might expect. There are lots and lots of low volume CPUs at all performance levels. So it isn't a nice bell curve. It might be that a more pleasing result could be had by excluding a lot of the CPUs (e.g. all CPUs older than 2 years)

    Anyway, here is a sample of the graph for what it is worth. Sorted in deceasing order by CPUMark.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	CPU-Submission-Graph.png Views:	0 Size:	321.6 KB ID:	51627


    • #3
      Wow, thank you for making this graph! That is amazing you were willing to do that. My interest is more around processor speeds rather than actual processors. For example, if I'm looking at a processor that has a CPU Mark of 10,000, I'm wondering how that compares in market usage to other processors. My presumption is that there is a correlation between the number of benchmark scores uploaded in the last month or quarter, and the number of the corresponding processors in use. I also presume that scores on the extremes do not have many recent submissions, but scores that fall between those submissions probably have a lot more. Not sure how accurate that assumption is, but a graph like that would give me some idea of market use. Here is a very crude example of what I'm talking about:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Sample-CPU Mark Scores In Use.PNG
Views:	236
Size:	6.0 KB
ID:	51631
      Attached Files


      • #4
        The graph you asked for, CPU Mark vs # of submissions is exactly what my graph was (except the time period was longer than a quarter).
        It just isn't a nice bell curve around 10,000. There are both high end and low end CPUs that are popular. Real life has conspired against your assumption.

