Please bear with me, I'm very new to this sort of thing and I may need a bit of simple explanations and help!
My son put together a gaming PC with his Christmas money and he appears to be experiencing an issue which after some googling I think is down to the memory. His basic specs are:
2 x4GB Corsair value select 1333MHz CL9 memory
Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P MB
Asus GTX750Ti GPU
During some games we get random crashes to desktop and occasional BSOD. The BSOD refer to a driver called ntoskrl.exe and Memeory Management.
Having googled this most answers seem to point towards the memory. I have ran Memtest for at least 8 passes and found no errors. I have also ran BurnIn which has found numerous (300+) RAM errors. I also received a BSOD after running the test.
I understand through reading various threads here that one test can be clear and the other not and that can be normal.
One of the BurnIn errors says "Process 1, Data verify error: 0x000000009CAD6B48, read 0x5555555d55555555, expected 0x5555555555555555"
There are numerous RAM errors similar to this.
There are no GPU or CPU errors.
I see from the other threads here that this is most likely to be bad memory but there is a small chance the GPU or CPU could be causing it. So I suppose what I'm asking is, is it more likely its the memory which I should get replaced under warranty rather than the CPU or GPU?
Thank you for any help!
Please bear with me, I'm very new to this sort of thing and I may need a bit of simple explanations and help!
My son put together a gaming PC with his Christmas money and he appears to be experiencing an issue which after some googling I think is down to the memory. His basic specs are:
2 x4GB Corsair value select 1333MHz CL9 memory
Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P MB
Asus GTX750Ti GPU
During some games we get random crashes to desktop and occasional BSOD. The BSOD refer to a driver called ntoskrl.exe and Memeory Management.
Having googled this most answers seem to point towards the memory. I have ran Memtest for at least 8 passes and found no errors. I have also ran BurnIn which has found numerous (300+) RAM errors. I also received a BSOD after running the test.
I understand through reading various threads here that one test can be clear and the other not and that can be normal.
One of the BurnIn errors says "Process 1, Data verify error: 0x000000009CAD6B48, read 0x5555555d55555555, expected 0x5555555555555555"
There are numerous RAM errors similar to this.
There are no GPU or CPU errors.
I see from the other threads here that this is most likely to be bad memory but there is a small chance the GPU or CPU could be causing it. So I suppose what I'm asking is, is it more likely its the memory which I should get replaced under warranty rather than the CPU or GPU?
Thank you for any help!