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USB3 loopback hardware can't be found in USB3Console.exe

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  • USB3 loopback hardware can't be found in USB3Console.exe

    Hi There,

    I have a USB 3.0 loopback hardware, that HW can be detected in USB3Test GUI and running loopback successfully, but when run the USB3Console.exe from command line, it shows " Error: Device not found."

    Please share some insights of this issue.



  • #2
    This might happen when you're using both the test application and the console together. They can't use the same USB3 loopback plug at the same time.
    Also, try running the console with the "-f" option. It should show you a list of USB3 loopback plugs that are connected to your computer.


    • #3
      Originally posted by HamidK (PassMark) View Post
      This might happen when you're using both the test application and the console together. They can't use the same USB3 loopback plug at the same time.
      Also, try running the console with the "-f" option. It should show you a list of USB3 loopback plugs that are connected to your computer.
      Thanks, we actually have the 4ea passmark USB 3.0 dongle connected to the host, my understanding is if we only send command USB3Console.exe without any arguments, the program will randomly pickup one USB 3.0 loopback hardware and run the default USB 3.0 loopback 30s, but the case here is if we only run USB3Console.exe without any arguments, it shows "Error: Device not found.", it only works when we send the -d argument to specify which HW to run the loopback.


      • #4
        There is no random selection of plugs.

        But if you want to use the first one available, use the "-d ANY" option on the command line.

