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suggestion for the "Hard Drive Mega List"

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  • suggestion for the "Hard Drive Mega List"


    Please consider adding more filter columns to the Hard Drive Mega List, such as one for each of the 4 performance stats (seq. read, seq. write, 32K, 4K random).
    That chart is very useful when we shop for a drive because it allows filtering out drive sizes that we don't want to look at (e.g I only want to display 2TB drives). That's great, however, the only other filter there is Disk Mark, which isn't extremely useful because it's a derived score out of the different performance stats, and it doesn't allow filtering and sorting by a particular stat, say, random 4K. For example, for me, since most high end SSDs already have plenty high sequential speeds, I may want to focus more on the random 4K values depending on how i plan to use the drive, while still displaying all the other stats in their own columns for more visibility. This would make the chart a lot more informative for those of us who need more granular data.

    Also - and this is a much less important objection - why are these charts still called "hard drive" instead of something more accurate and all-encompassing like "storage drive" since they are full of SSDs now?

    Thank you for your consideration!

  • #2
    Thank you for your suggestion. We consider it for the next chart refresh or site update.

    Also - and this is a much less important objection - why are these charts still called "hard drive" instead of something more accurate and all-encompassing like "storage drive" since they are full of SSDs now?
    Because the site domain is ""...

    In actuality no real reason, it was the name from the beginning and we didn't see much reason to change it. Also, hard drive is still somewhat synonymous with any storage drive, e.g. "What hard drive you have in your system?". We may look to update change it as SSD/NVME are more prevalent.


    • #3
      Thank you for the quick response, and the consideration!

      I completely understand the sentimental reasons for keeping the old titles, that makes sense. That's totally fine.
      Let me give you a little more background about this. I had one little problem with the chart titles in the left pane: there is one chart link called "SSD Chart" which contains only SSDs, and another chart called "Hard Drive Mega List" which is a comprehensive list of all storage drives (with filtering and sorting). For a very long time I never clicked on the Hard Drive list because I thought it was only HDDs, and I don't use HDDs. It's probably my own fault for interpreting "hard drive" too literally (maybe because English is my second language). Anyway, one day I accidentally clicked on it, and what do I see - a complete list of all storage drives with a size filter, and score sorting! I've been using that chart ever since.
      Anyway, I hope others don't ignore it because of the title, like I did.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	hdd60.png
Views:	150
Size:	44.6 KB
ID:	55938

      And while I have your attention, I remembered one more thing to suggest, if I may The blue font color in the Mega List is a little difficult to read and strains my eyes when I look at the list for more than several seconds, because the light blue font against the white background has very low contrast. The other charts look good because the font is much darker. It's a minor thing but I thought there is no harm in mentioning this.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	blue80.png
Views:	265
Size:	23.6 KB
ID:	55939

      Once again, thank you for reading my suggestions!


      • #4
        We changed the side menu heading from Hard Drive Mega List to Drive Mega List so hopefully that will cause less confusion. We'll also look to improve the color scheme on the page.


        • #5
          Just a little more feedback about the Mega Drive list - some drives are miscategorized. For example, some SSD's are marked as HDDs, so when you filter the list to only view SSDs, those drives are not included. The easiest way to find them is to show only HDD list, and you will see a bunch of NVME drives at the top of the list if you sort by score.

          And another minor complaint about the color scheme - the "Alt. Row Color​" setting is pretty useless because the row color is so dim, it's barely visible.

          Oh, and there is a drive"WDC WUH721816ALE6L4​" which is a HDD but for some reason has a very high score 50779 with a single sample that shows SSD speeds, so it should probably be removed IMO.


