Hey guys,
recently my windows system began to have blue screens like "Memory_Management", "IRQL_not_less_or_equal" or "Kernel Security Check Failure". I'm running a G4560 from Intel, 8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM and a Asus B150i pro-gaming motherboard. I concluded that probably something with the RAM is wrong since reinstalling windows i still had blue screens so probably no driver error. Running Memtest I got Freezes running test 1 and 2 saying "could not start processor #0" so decided to skip those first three tests and just run the others. The fourth pass of test is still up and running but i already got 2.2 million errors and i recoginzed an intersting pattern. In every line of the testing it's always the same fault: The fourth hex number of the 8 digits is always two too little. That means expected is FFFFFFFF and actual is FFFDFFFF or expected is 5B772C20 is 5B752C20. So the fourth digit is always by two too small unless the expected number is a zero because than the actual output is 2. I'm still waiting for the end result of the test and I will provide you with it but can anything be conclude by this weird two digit offset that is happening with every test? Really appreciate Your help guys.
recently my windows system began to have blue screens like "Memory_Management", "IRQL_not_less_or_equal" or "Kernel Security Check Failure". I'm running a G4560 from Intel, 8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM and a Asus B150i pro-gaming motherboard. I concluded that probably something with the RAM is wrong since reinstalling windows i still had blue screens so probably no driver error. Running Memtest I got Freezes running test 1 and 2 saying "could not start processor #0" so decided to skip those first three tests and just run the others. The fourth pass of test is still up and running but i already got 2.2 million errors and i recoginzed an intersting pattern. In every line of the testing it's always the same fault: The fourth hex number of the 8 digits is always two too little. That means expected is FFFFFFFF and actual is FFFDFFFF or expected is 5B772C20 is 5B752C20. So the fourth digit is always by two too small unless the expected number is a zero because than the actual output is 2. I'm still waiting for the end result of the test and I will provide you with it but can anything be conclude by this weird two digit offset that is happening with every test? Really appreciate Your help guys.