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Ask some questions about passmark memtest test ECC function

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  • Ask some questions about passmark memtest test ECC function

    I want to replace the old software mem86+ test ECC function with passmark memtest v8.1 pro, but some minor problems occurred during the test.
    My test was to short connect the data bits of ECC memory to GND to make sure ECC can verify errors.
    When running mem86+ test process short connect data bit, the first time is not wrong, only two consecutive short connect mem86+ will prompt the error.But with passmark memtest, the software simply short-circuited the bits and prompted an error.
    I would like to ask why the software still prompts the error if ECC can verify the error? If I want to actually check whether the ECC check is valid, do you have any Suggestions on how to test it? thanks

  • #2
    When we were testing the ECC function we had a specially made RAM stick with a button to cause a short term short.

    See this post for details


    • #3
      There is a development kit ( from intel ?), which consists of a DDR3-simulator, that allows you to set all kinds of ECC errors by USB interface for any adress you like. This kit is mainly intended for board manufacturers, but is also used to prove mission critical hardware to work correctly.


      • #4
        Sounds interesting.
        But we don't have such a kit.


        • #5
          David, thanks for your information.
          I have carefully read the content in the link you provided, I think our test method is similar.
          Our test are all about checking ECC by making data bits go wrong. The only difference is that your test is short data bit by button on the DDR3 RAM, while my test is short the DIMM slot data bits on the mainboard.
          The final conclusion about"
          ECC error reporting should be available again, for significant number of current chipsets in V5 of MemTest86.
          Can I understand that it is normal to prompt an error, as long as the RAM can continue to work when the error is prompted, then the test is ECC and it is OK?


          • #6
            There are two different messages that Memtest can report. An actual error (i.e. one that could not be corrected by ECC) and an error that was corrected.
            I don't know which particular message you are seeing. But if you are forcing errors, then both might be normal, depending on the exact circumstances of the test.


            • #7
              The picture of my test is as follows. May I ask if my ECC test result is OK?
              Because this prompt error message has been corrected by ECC, the actual test result of memtest is still Pass
              Click image for larger version

Name:	ECC.png
Views:	793
Size:	216.8 KB
ID:	45428


              • #8
                In your screen shot the error count remained at zero. So there were no errors which could not be corrected.


                • #9
                  Thank you. That would be greatŁĄ

