I recently purchased memtest86 Pro and am having problem with the cfg file. I keep getting this error:
I keep changing the value of 'Exact SPDs required for testing: Disabled', and changing the minimum required to 1, but it always reverts back to Minimum: Disabled/Exact: 0. The only time I have been able to make it happy was setting the Exact to 8, but I want to disable that parameter, not have a fixed number. I have tried through both the memtest menu and through mt86.cfg directly, neither having any success.
Cannot start test. The number of SPDs ( 8 ) does not meet the number required (0) as specified in the the config file (EXACTSPDS)
You may need to check the installed DIMMS or revise the EXACTSPDS parameter in the configuration file. This can be done from the Memtest86 menu.
You may need to check the installed DIMMS or revise the EXACTSPDS parameter in the configuration file. This can be done from the Memtest86 menu.