I have an Acer Aspire X1430 with Win7 Pro 64 which just started hanging during boot. In Safe Mode, the drivers load to a certain point, then hang. I have tried booting from Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD4WIN) with an XP load. Again, the system will load to the point where the Windows splash screen begins to fade in, then hang. Pressing the ESC key will allow the load to continue, then BSOD with a Stop error 0xf78ec528. So I am certain that the issue is hardware related. Using the UBCD, I ran Memtest86 v3.5 (standard version) several times, always with the same result - Test #1 at about 50% the system reboots. I have replaced the memory with brand new sticks. Same crash, same place. Any words of wisdom? What is Test #1 testing at that point?