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Disable CPU cache

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  • David (PassMark)
    We think it's main use would be help determine if a reported fault is in the CPU's RAM cache or in main RAM.

    Yes, it is significantly slower without the cache being active.

    If your BIOS has an option to disable the CPU cache I would suspect it used the same mechanism.

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  • pippopippo
    started a topic Disable CPU cache

    Disable CPU cache

    from what I just learnt the Pro version of memtest86 has a "Disable CPU cache" option.
    I just wonder when I should turn off this CPU caching and if is it the same as disabling it in the BIOS.

    I'm thinking that maybe this option is there for when no error is detected through the normal test and someone really want to insist in finding out if the problem is really in the ram, right?

    Also wonder if the test will take much longer to run...

    Thanks for any help