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MemTest86 Errors Please Help

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  • MemTest86 Errors Please Help

    So, I have two sticks of ram. I tested one stick and it had zero errors when it ran the test. When I tested the other one, there were many errors that popped up. I have provided snips of the report, please advise if my one ram stick is the issue or if there are other issues at hand?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	6B490918-7DA8-4732-B4A8-B7688DD9F471.jpg
Views:	83
Size:	278.4 KB
ID:	58395 Click image for larger version

Name:	8A7054C7-AD66-4C75-85D3-45B4800BDB25.jpg
Views:	47
Size:	355.4 KB
ID:	58396

  • #2
    If you have one stick with no errors and one stick with errors, then it is extremely likely that the stick with errors is the bad stick.
    (but you might want to replace both to keep a matched pair, if you can't get an exact replacement for the bad one)


    • #3
      Awesome thank you so much! The sticks are under warranty so I will send them in to get replaced.

