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Save files after search

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  • David (PassMark)
    Seems to be related to files with long names (around 260 characters).

    There will be a fix available in the next patch release, late next week most likely.

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  • Nep
    Yes, I have created a case before searching for files and wanting to save them.
    Sent email and requested CSV file.

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  • Michael (Passmark)
    Firstly can you confirm you have created/opened a case from the "Manage Case" window. There is a bug in OSF currently that allows adding files to a case when you don't have one open and in this situation the behaviour is undefined.

    If that wasn't the problem, can you export the files you are trying to copy to csv (right click -> export list of selected items to -> CSV) and email us the csv file so we can see if there are any files you are trying to copy that may be causing a problem.
    Last edited by Michael (Passmark); Mar-10-2011, 06:05 AM.

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  • David (PassMark)
    We have a look at it this morning and get back to you. If we can't reproduce it quickly we might need to ask you for additional details, like file paths, free space on the drive, and any case details meta data you entered with the files.

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  • Nep
    Just an FYI... This also happens with OSForensics 0.92beta...

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  • Nep
    I selected all of the found files and clicked to save them in the Case Files. After copying a few of them, OSF stops working and the only option is to close the program. This happens with Win7 SP1 and XP SP3.
    See error here:


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  • Michael (Passmark)
    They won't be renamed, but placed in different sub folders within the case folder.

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  • Nep

    What if I select all of the found files and there are files in different folders with the same name? Are they renamed?

    I'll try your solution when I can get the image mounted again. I'll open another thread about that problem.

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  • David (PassMark)
    If you create a case (from the Manage case function), then you can save the files to the case folder.

    Right click on the file and select,
    Add to case / Files.

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  • Nep
    started a topic Save files after search

    Save files after search

    Once a search has been carried out and the results are shown, is there a way to save those files to a specific folder on my computer?